you're her safe place (requested)

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You sat on your' and Jennie's bed, scrolling through your phone as your favorite show played on the TV.

You're enjoying your day off today, though it would've been much better if Jennie had the day off as well.

But she couldn't take the day away as the girls were incredibly busy, preparing for an upcoming tour, working on new videos, and finishing up some last-minute things for their new album.

Your poor girlfriend has a lot on your plate and since you worry about her, you sent her a text a few minutes ago.

She hasn't seen it yet, which isn't surprising.

However, the second you saw Lisa's name on your screen as she was calling you, you grew concerned.

"Hey, Lisa. Is everything alright?"

"No." She said. "Jennie's not doing well. She's having a panic attack and we don't know how to help her. She says she needs you. Can you come here?"

"Absolutely! I'm on my way now. Tell her I'll be there in just a few minutes."

"Okay," Lisa replied before you ended the call and jumped out of bed.

You put your shoes and jacket on before grabbing your phone off the bed and then your bag from downstairs before heading out.

You got there as soon as you possibly could.

But it wasn't soon enough for Jennie, just because she needed you so badly.

Lisa sent you a text when you arrived saying they were in the practice room so you hurried there, moving as fast as your feet would carry you.

You opened the door and Jisoo, Rose, and Lisa all breathed out a sigh of relief when they saw you.

"Jennie? Baby?" You said as you rushed to her.

You sat down on the floor beside her and, instantly, she threw her arms around you to hold you tight.

"Oh, baby, it's okay." You said as you rubbed her back comfortingly.

She began to cling to you like a koala as she buried her face in your neck.

Her breathing was still a little off and you could feel her heartbeat against your chest due to how close she was and you noticed it was unsteady.

"Breathe, baby. I'm here now, I've got you."

She squeezed her eyes shut as the girls stepped out of the room, giving the two of you some privacy.

You didn't say much of anything for a couple of minutes.

You just held her tight and kissed her head softly, knowing the brush of your lips and your fingertips across her skin would help to calm her immensely.

"We wanted to get some lunch." She said quietly. "I decided to go out and get it since I needed a little fresh air. Everyone crowded around me. They shoved their  phones and cameras into my face. They were screaming in my ears and trying to grab at me and I just felt unsafe so I came back here..."

She paused as you shushed her softly, feeling her breathing become fast again.

"I broke down because I felt overwhelmed from all of that and then knowing how much we have to get done in such a short amount of time and," She lifted her head to look at you. "I missed you. I needed you."

"I know, darling. I came as soon as Lisa called. You needed me and nothing was going to keep me from getting here to you. I've got you."

She closed her eyes a shaky breath left her lips.

She placed her cheek on your shoulder as she loosened her grip on you.

Finally, she was starting to calm down a little.

The weight that had been on her shoulders making it so hard to breathe was gone now.

She felt safe again.

Because you're here to hold her now and she always feels safest with you.

"It's okay, my love. Focus on me." You said and she nodded as she focused on you.

On your voice in her ear, your soft lips on her forehead, your touch on her skin; it all made her feel comfortable and safe.

It was quiet for a few minutes, only the sound of your breathing as well as hers was heard.

Jennie opened her eyes a few minutes later though and you smiled at her as you brushed a strand of hair behind her forehead.

"Are you doing alright? Do you feel better?"

"Yeah." She said. "I feel as though the weight of the world has lifted from my shoulders."

"Good." You said as you stared into her eyes.

"You know that you're my safe place, right?" She asked. "Sometimes, things get so heavy and so chaotic that I can't handle it. Whether it's what people say about me online, getting mobbed by people, feeling overwhelmed by my schedules, or anything else - you manage to make it all okay. No one else can do that for me. No one else has ever been able to. You make me feel safe. You make me feel loved and I can't thank you enough for that."

"It makes me feel good to hear that. Because all I want to do is protect you and love you. You deserve the world and more, Jennie. I don't care what anyone else says, you're perfect just as you are. You always love me and keep me safe and you deserve that and more in return. I will always keep you safe, okay? I'll always be here for you."

She smiled a little before giving you a loving kiss on your lips.

"Can we stay like this for a little while longer?"

"Of course, my love. We'll stay like this for as long as you want to. I'm not going anywhere, I promise." You said as you held her in your arms, continuing to make her feel safe and sound.

Jennie Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu