moaning in your sleep to see her reaction (requested)

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"Y/N? Baby, are you still up?" Jennie asked as she entered the bedroom once more.

When she was met with silence, she knew you were still sleeping, so she turned off the bathroom light and made her way to bed as quietly as she could.

It's late and she's so happy to be home after a long and exhausting day.

Her eyes felt heavy and she needed some cuddles from you more than anything.

But since she was worried she'd wake you, she tried to lay still beside you and close her eyes to quickly fall asleep.

She had no idea that you weren't actually sleeping and you had no intention of letting her know at the moment, so you could successfully pull off what you wanted to do.

As Jennie laid beside you, she grew restless and the need to pull you into her arms grew more intense and she became needy to feel you in her embrace.

She scooted over carefully and slowly in hopes that you wouldn't be disturbed by her doing so.

When she was curled up behind you as close as can be, she put her arms around you and softly kissed your neck.

But she didn't expect to hear anything from you in response and certainly not a moan of her name.

"Jennie," You moaned and her eyes flew open, wider than ever before.

She stayed silent, only hearing your soft breaths coming from you for a few short seconds.

And then, you moaned once more.

"Oh, Jennie,"

This time, it sounded more intense than before, as if something fantastic was happening in your dream.


"Jennie! Oh god, baby,"

And with that, she didn't care about you getting sleep.

She was determined to wake you up.

She turned you onto your back and moved to hover over you before she began to passionately kiss you.

"Jennie?" You pretended to question innocently.

"Oh, baby, I'm sorry for waking you but you were driving me crazy."

"What? How?" You asked ad you tried not to smirk.

"You were moaning."

"I was?"

"Yeah, and it sounded so hot."

She started to kiss your neck and leave hickeys along the way, making you feel just as crazy as she did.

"Can I let you in on a secret, Jen?"


"I wasn't sleeping."

She looked up at you with a smirk, which you didn't expect.

"That's fine. But you moaned and either way, you're not going to be getting sleep for a while tonight."


"Nope." She smiled as she kissed you again. "You drove me crazy with those moans and I love it. So keep moaning for me, baby girl, and don't you dare hold back."

Jennie Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora