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3 Months before Season 1

The party was now in full swing, and everyone was having a good time. Jo was at the bar throwing back more shots while Chibs kept an eye on her. A little bit across the room Opie was doing the same with Jax. It was a rule within SAMCRO that if both Teller siblings were in the same vicinity drinking, that they had to be separated. Everytime they got shit faced together, one if not both ended up hurt.



The club was throwing a party to celebrate Johanna graduating highschool. Now while Jo was underage, she got a pass for this night, not like anyone around her necessarily cared anyway. She had gotten fairly drunk along with her brother and they decided that they were going to try and do circus acts. One thing led to another and Johanna had climbed onto Jax's shoulders. As they were joking around, Jax had stumbled a little causing Jo to flinch and hold onto his head to keep steady, in her attempt to stay up she accidentally covered her brother's eyes and he tripped over his feet even more causing both of them to fall. The issue with that is that they ended up falling through the window straight into their mother's rose bushes.

"Safe !!" Johanna yelled emerging from the bushes, her hair littered with leaves and scratches from the rose thorns all over her face.

"Hell yeah !!" Jax yelled in response him looking equally as messed up as his sister.

The tongue lashing they got from their mother, not only for destroying her rose bush, but her window as well, was one they'd never forget. Their wallets would never forget either since Gemma made them pay to replace the window.

*Flashback over*


Jo was sitting at the bar waiting for her moment to slip away from Chibs and find her brother, when someone took a seat next to her. Looking up she was met with the eyes of the Tacoma Killer.

"Thought you'd be out enjoying the party" he spoke looking at her as she sipped from the beer the prospect had brought her.

"I am, just taking a little break. How 'bout you ? Surprised you're not balls deep in free pussy right now." She replied with a laugh, her words slurring slightly.

"Nah, not in the mood tonight" the killer spoke, throwing her a wink.

Nodding her head as a little blush crossed her face, she took another sip of her beer before an idea popped into her head. Happy saw the girl's eyes light up and a mischievous smile make it's way onto her face. Furrowing his brows at her she gave him nothing but a wink in return.

"Hey uh Chibby, all this alcohol is catching up to me and I gotta use the bathroom real bad" she said while shuffling from side to side a bit to try and sell it.

Chibs gave her a skeptical look before allowing her to go "I'm giving you 5 minutes, and if you're not back, I'm sendin' Hap after ya. Got it lass ?" He spoke giving her a stern look

"I'll be back, scout's honor" she replied giving him a mock 2 fingered salute, while she used her other hand to cross her fingers behind her back.

Walking away she caught eyes with her brother across the room while he said something to Opie before walking away. They met eachother in the hallway before weaving through the crowd to make their way outside.


Looking down at his watch, Chibs noticed that it was well passed 5 minutes and Jo wasn't back yet. Just at that moment, Opie walked up stating Jax had slipped away from him. Hap watched this conversation go down with a hint of curiosity. He knew the Teller siblings caused chaos when both were intoxicated, but the urgency in both of his brothers' voices made him wonder just how bad they got when together.

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