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Waking up to her phone ringing the next morning, Johanna rolled over to check the time. Reading the time on the clock made her want to strangle whoever was on the other line.

Not bothering to look at the caller ID, she answered the phone. "What" she spoke, not even trying to make an attempt to hide the annoyance in her tone.

"Hey Goo-Goo" Juice replied back sheepishly, only now realizing that he should've thought it through before calling her. She never was the biggest morning person and he knew that.

"Juice..why the fuck are you in my ear at 6 in the morning ?" she said, the harshness in her tone not faltering. "Does my rule mean nothing to you ? All I ask is that you don't call before 8." she whined.

"I know. I know. I'm sorry, but Sack and I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go for breakfast before we had to head into the shop for today." Juice replied, knowing the girl couldn't pass up breakfast, it was her favorite out of the three designated meal times. "My treat. For waking you up." He added in, just to be on the safe side.

"Fine. I'll be at the diner in 20." she replied before hanging up

Johanna let out a loud groan while rubbing her hands over her face. Getting up out of bed, she walked over to her dresser and grabbed a pair of black sweats, not bothering to change the shirt she was currently wearing. After she finished getting her pants on, she threw her hair into a quick ponytail and called for her dog as she left her bedroom. Bandit was not too far behind her as he followed her to the back door, where she slid it open and let him out to use the restroom. 

As the large dog was doing his thing outside, Johanna made sure his water and food bowls were full. Once she had checked everything she needed to, she let the dog in and watched as he went straight for his dog bed in the corner of the living room that held his favorite stuffed monkey. Once she saw that her dog was content, Jo went and slipped on her white vans, and then proceeded to head out to meet her two idiot best friends for breakfast.


Pulling up in front of the diner, she saw that Juice and Half-sack were already inside waiting for her. As she walked in, she saw Sack slightly raise his hand to get her attention and call her over. Making her way over to the boys, she slid into the booth next to the prospect and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Good morning Jo" the prospect spoke, leaning down and tapping his head against hers to acknowledge her presence.

"Mornin' Odie" Jo replied, a big yawn following right after.

"I already ordered for you." Juice spoke "Two chocolate chip pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage instead of bacon, hash browns, and a fruit bowl on the side. Also got you orange juice to drink" he continued, repeating the girls usual order back to her before she could interrogate him on whether he got everything right.

"Thanks Juicy Fruit." the teller girl replied. 

As they sat there eating and conversing, Jo couldn't help but look at the two in awe. She was so grateful that these two boys had been placed in her life. Growing up, Johanna never really had any friends except for her brother and Opie, but Opie was more of Jax's friend than hers. She didn't even really have that many friends in school, just a bunch of people trying to use her to either prospect for the club, sleep with someone in the club, or they just didn't like that she was associated with SAMCRO. So for those reasons, she didn't talk to many people. When she first met Juice, he was prospecting for the club and had been sent to get her for a lockdown, what he hadn't been informed about by Jax was that at that time Jo never willingly went to the clubhouse so when he arrived at her house she had put up such a fight that Juice had to call Jax to come help him. He was assigned as her personal trail for that lockdown, so they spent plenty of time getting to know eachother and form a bond.

Psychosis - Happy Lowman x OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora