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3 Months before Season 1

Johanna woke up the next morning curled up on the couch with the sun peeking in through the blinds. Letting out a yawn she got up as carefully as she could to not wake her brother, and she headed to the kitchen to make breakfast.

As she was standing in the kitchen making french toast and bacon, she heard a knock on her door. Walking over to the door, she looked through the peephole before opening it to see Juice and Chibs standing on the other side.

"Good mornin' darlin, your brother here ?" Chibs asked while he and juice stepped into her house.

"Oh yeah sure come on in" she replied with a roll of her eyes, and sarcasm dripping off her tongue. "He's in the living room" she told them before turning around and heading back to the kitchen.

She ended up making some extra food that way her unexpected guests could eat as well. She walked over to the table with a pitcher of orange juice in one hand, and apple juice in the other. She set four glasses down on the table and called the boys to come make their plates.

As they all say there eating, Juice decided to speak up. "Hap said he'd be here around 1 this afternoon" glancing up at Chibs and his VP.

Chibs and Jax both nodded their heads while Juice spoke again. "You comin to the party tonight Jo ?" He looked at the girl sitting to his right who was pouring herself some more orange juice.

"Maybe, might stop by to say hi to Hap, I think it'd be nice to see him" she replied

"Of course you do" Jax said with a snicker while Johanna looked over at him with a glare.

"And what exactly do you mean by that dickwad ?" tilting her head to the side ever so slightly.

"Oh come on, everytime he comes down for a run or just for a visit, you practically make googoo eyes at him the whole time" her brother replied.

"I do NOT make googoo eyes" she stated while kicking her brother's shin under the table, adding a little emphasis when she said the word 'not'.

"Ow Jo ! What the fuck ?" Jax exclaimed glaring at his sister before speaking again, kicking her shin as well "And you totally do make googoo eyes"

"Do not"

"Do too"

"Do not"

"You kinda do" Juice intervened, siding with Jax but instantly regretted it when he caught the glare Johanna gave him

"Who was talking to you ? A and B conversation dingus." she stated while Juice just raised his hands in defense.

"Okay, okay children that's enough" Chibs intervened, putting a hault on the petty argument going on. "Let's just all agree that Jo makes googoo eyes at Hap and move on" he finished with a grin spread across his face.

"Okay what the fuck ?" Johanna stated looking around at the three smiling guys with her jaw dropped.


After Breakfast Juice and Chibs left while Jax went to shower, leaving Johanna to do the dishes. Jo put the last dish in the strainer at the same time her brother walked out in just a pair of jeans and his shirt around his shoulders.

"Jesus Christ put a shirt on, I'd like to keep my breakfast down this morning" Jo stated with a fake gag looking at her brother

"Yeah, yeah shut your mouth" Jax laughed while putting his shirt on and grabbing his kutte, sliding that over his shoulders as well.

"I'm heading down to the clubhouse now, see you later tonight ?" He asked his sister

"Yeah, I'll be there around 6:30 maybe 7:00" she replied, walking up to give her brother a hug "Be safe"

"Yes ma'am"


Pulling into the lot at seven on the dot, she parked next to Gemma's car and stepped out, smiling slightly when she spotted the extra bike next to the rest. Walking towards the clubhouse, Clay had walked out of the TM office heading in the same direction.

"Hey Jo, long time no see" He stated looking at his step-daughter as she walked a few paces ahead of him.

Turning around and lifting her sunglasses of her eyes onto her head, she just gave him a curt nod "Clarence" was all she said before turning back around and heading inside.

As she stepped in she was greeted by the newest prospect, half-sack, he gave her a small wave "Hey Johanna"

"Hey Kip, need any help with anything ?"

"Nah he doesn't need any help doll, how is he supposed to earn his top rocker if you're helping him out ?" Tig stated while throwing an arm aroung her shoulders

"First off Trager, I was asking the prospect a question, not you so your answer has no value in this conversation. Second of all, the party kicks off in two hours and this place is no where near ready so I figured four hands is better than two seeing as none of you can be bothered to raise a pinky" She stated throwing his arm off her.

"Oh it's- it's uh fine Jo, I can get it done by myself" Kip stated fumbling over his words a bit

"Well too bad, you're gonna let me help and that's an order" the Teller girl replied looking straight into his eyes

"Yes ma'am"

Johanna turned around hearing a few new voices in the room, to see her brother and Happy emerging from the hallway laughing about something.

Looking up from what Jax had just said, Happy locked eyes with Johanna. Something about the girl was intriguing to him. Maybe it was the way she was so sweet and soft spoken, but if someone came at her wrong she'd rip them a new one, or maybe it was the way her eyes always seemed so bright but he could see a hint of darkness behind them that not many caught.

"Hi Happy, good to see ya" Johanna smiled at him with a small wave

"Good to see ya too Jo" he replied, letting his lips curl up into the smallest smile while looking her up and down

Johanna looked down a bit and blushed and when she looked up she saw her brother staring straight at her with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Googoo eyes" he mouthed while pretending to swoon

The Teller girl just rolled her eyes and continued to help Half-sack set up for the party.


It had been an hour and between her and Kip, the clubhouse had looked much better and more put together than it had when she first arrived. She was currently behind the bar organizing the bottles when Happy came up and sat at the bar.

"Place looks good" he stated watching her as she worked

"Thanks" she smiled softly looking over her shoulder. She grabbed two shot glasses and the bottle of tequila, turning back around and setting them on the bar.

After pouring them both a shot, she looked at him and smirked before throwing her shot back. He returned the smirk, after downing his shot he slammed the glass down on the bar, and stood up to lean over the bar and give her a kiss on the cheek before walking away.

Around 9:00 the party started and people started flowing in. Catching a glimpse of Gemma walking through the door, Johanna threw back two more shots knowing she'd need them if she had to interact with her mother at all tonight.

A/N : Alright y'all here's the second chapter !! We got a little interaction with Happy. The next chapter will be the last one before entering season 1. I can't tell if this is like..blegh or not so please lmk ways I can improve !! Also no one asked but I was listening to flyleaf while writing this chapter.

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