+ We have a Problem +

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"Can't a dude be hungry?"

"You ate twice this morning! We stopped at Subways and you don't eat that shit!" Kayla was the one to say this one, Bianca adding on. "Seriously, what's with you? Did you and Izuku have a fight or something?"

Katsuki's face screwed up at that. "What makes you think I had a fight with him? Can't I fucking eat my things in peace without being questioned??" He was getting annoyed and for some reason not knowing why.

"Your eating more." Quinn pointed out one.

"Your sleeping way more than usual." Kayla added.

"Since when do you complain about back problems?" Bianca continued.

"Your putting on a pound or so babe. Your always saying how you don't like putting on it." Mina ended it just for the sake of Katsuki's dignity and for him to figure it out.

Katsuki however, didn't like those answers and stood up.

"Fucking fine! I won't eat then!"

And he was storming off, bag grabbed and leaving the food to get cold on that table. The others',  well they didn't even know why he was so heated towards them. Actually, it's been like that for a while now.

His shift in mood was crazy. One minute he's calm, next minute he wants your head, the other minute he wants to sleep, he's all quiet and wants to be alone, then he doesn't and demands for Izuku's affection and skin ship.

It wss a whole rollercoaster with Katsuki these four weeks. It even had some or one thinking.


[ After some time..]


Katsuki stared at the calendar for the longest hours he's been in the bathroom. He couldn't even remember when he walked on or how long he stared at the calendar attached to the back of his bathroom door.

It was marked, a specific date every month checked to remind him of when his...you know, was to come. His female parts was a weird thing to him and will continue to be weird. Like right now.

For the first time, he's been later than normal. Yeah, he has moments. Everyone woman or rare person with his problem will agree with this. He hasn't met one but he has girl friends, sister, cousin and mother for god's sake. He's seen and been through his own..

But that was one of the problems now. His thoughts going to things he didn't want to think of. But it was there. He stared at himself in the reflection.

He seemed a bit chubby but it wasn't noticable. His appetite had died down but his sweet tooth hasn't calmed down. Izuku had to be preparing him snacks before he went anywhere, or stopping by a shop somewhere, or waking at the hour he was up, to go get ice cream in the fridge and make sure and leave a spoon in there.

It was hectic. But he didn't want to think more.

But he can't avoid it forever..


"Izu?" Katsuki walked out the bathroom finally, greeted by Izuku laying boneless on his sheets, eyes closed and one airpod in his ear.

He seemed so peaceful and tired. Sunday was a lazy day aswell when Saturday were filled of all kinds of activities.


Katsuki bit his lip and stared at Izuku hard before he said it. "We have a problem."

"What is mama?" Izuku's head turned to him as he said it, eyes already looking over him for any signs of discomfort. When he was met with nothing he looked him in the eyes. ".. I'm the problem.."

Crazy but he is MineWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt