+ A Party Mess +

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Katsuki heard the sound of his door bust open, the thumps of hard heels hitting the wooden floor and making it's way towards him.

"Suki wake your ass up! We need to talk and it's important." She continued to say, shaking Katsuki to wake up.

Katsuki swats her away with a bitten down, "Fuck off," before he plops his bed head onto his pillows. Kayla huffs and folded her arms.

"You're tiring. Come on, we have school in a few hours and everything. It's importantttt!" She dragged as she tugs Katsuki's wrist.

"Kayla can't I get extra five...what the fuck is it..?!"

Kayla sat down and smiled when Katsuki finally showed that pretty face at her. His pretty face with a scowl plastered on it like normal.

"Did you get a text yet?"

Katsuki blinked out his sleep, confusion very much evident the more she looked at him in anticipation.


"Your boyfriend, Haiden has he texted you? Or have you seen his post on Instagram?"

Katsuki huffs and layed back in bed, pulling his heavy covers back to hide himself from his maddening sister.

"Go away Kayla."

"Is it a yes??? Tell me your going! He did say it is his party and you are his boyfriend."

This had Katsuki pulling off the covers and blankly looking to Kayla. "Kayla, if you want to dance at his party and get drunk go for it. I'll decide whether to pick up of have Cyrus do it."

"Who said anything about me picking her ass up?"

Cyrus voice was heard from the doorway, his messy curled head peaking in first before his entire body walked in. Katsuki looks to Kayla as she scowled now.

"Seems your walking."

"Fuck you both. Seriously, let's gooo. I have a perfect outfit for us."

"Did you buy outfits before you even talked to me?"

"Yes cause I know if I begged you long enough you'll cave in." She smirked as she rest her one leg on the other. "How about that?"

"It's dumb. You know Katsuki." Cyrus butted in this time. Katsuki clapped his hands in agreement and Kayla frowned more. "It's your boyfriend's party Katsuki!"

"So? I don't like outside or people."

"Gas is expensive." Cyrus pipped in as an excuse to not be the driver or have to go to watch either of them.

"Bro your rich dumbass."

Cyrus shrugs nonchalantly. Kayla takes Katsuki's hands and gave him a puppy look. "Please~ Let's have some fun. It isn't just about you and Haiden you know."

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I'll think about it."

"Think when?"

"When you get out my room. Out!" He flung his pillow at Kayla to which she received with her face and a yell. Cyrus walked out after that, not even finding it in him to stop the two.



They arrived to school before the first bell to ring for their classes. They didn't really go round to classes in the morning and Katsuki definitely wasn't feeling like going into the class.

Crazy but he is MineDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora