5 | Through The Front Gates

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Three Days Before

Being grounded was something Adrien became used to, so he wasn't surprised when his father came up to his bedroom this morning and said he was grounded for the weekend. He wasn't allowed to go anywhere, which included band rehearsal with Kitty Section. He was supposed to meet Marinette, Luka, and everyone else an hour ago.

Marinette: I'm sorry your dad grounded you again.

Adrien: It's okay. Not the first time, so I'm used to it.

Marinette: Rehearsal's not really fun without you.

Adrien: You enjoy my company that much?

Marinette: Course I do.

Adrien: I miss you, too.

A thought occurred to Adrien. His father would be gone almost all day with the mayor. He could sneak Marinette over. It wouldn't be the first time he had.

Adrien: Are you doing anything after?

Marinette: No, why?

Adrien: Do you want to come over and watch a movie?

Marinette: Will your dad allow me over?

Adrien: He's gone for a few hours. I can sneak you in.

Marinette thought it was romantic when Adrien would sneak her inside his home, and she liked the adrenaline the fear of getting caught gave her. She didn't know, though, the risks for Adrien doing this. She had no idea of the abuse his father reined for years.

Adrien: Up for it, Super Marinette?

Marinette: I'll head over after rehearsal's done

Adrien: I'll be waiting.


Excitement ran through Marinette's veins as she drove on her scooter over. She parked a block away from Adrien's house and walked the rest of the way. The front gate opened as she approached it and she leaned over to see Adrien had peeked his head out by the front door. He gestured for her to run inside.

She did and he grabbed her hand. They ran upstairs to his bedroom.

"So, what movie are we watching?" Marinette asked as she took her usual spot on the couch.

"I saw this trailer for a really cool movie that's on streaming now," Adrien said as he opened his movie app. "It's called The Lost Butterfly. It's about this man who collects things—rocks, jewelry, famous paintings, things like that—and his most valuable collection is his butterflies. One of the butterflies is rare and special because it was his wife's favorite, and after his wife died, he became obsessed with tending to his butterfly garden. The butterfly escapes somehow and he spends the movie searching for it again."

"That sounds interesting. Let's watch it."

"Don't you want to watch the trailer first?"

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