Chapter 7: A Request from Mai

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It's been about a week since you and Akari had first made it to the base camp and had your first initial foray into life in the survey corps. In that time, the two of you had grown closer working together and helping the Professor with his research. Currently though it was the last day before you and Akari were due to head back to the village, and you were set to work helping around the base camp while your partner had been drafted into helping drive back some of the more territorial Paras swarms. At the moment you, Meltan, and your newest Pokémon Buneary were finishing taking stock of the research and field reports for the professor while he was off getting breakfast.

Sat at desk in the professor's tent office, you thumbed through the last of the week's reports while your Pokémon slept in your lap. Looking down, you couldn't help but smile seeing Meltan and Buneary slumped against each other snoring, the latter foot kicking the air every once in awhile as Meltan laid draped over her like a cozy semi-liquid blanket.

It made you happy seeing the two getting along so well. With Buneary's rocky introduction you'd been worried that there's be some lingering tensions between her and Meltan. Luckily those worries were for nothing, as the little steel type took to having a new teammate happily. Less than a week had passed and the two were great friends, with Buneary helping you look out for Meltan and both sharing a particular fondness for physical affection. It was almost surprising how clingy Buneary was, never missing an opportunity to sit in your lap or nuzzle your chest.

A ruffling at the tent's entrance broke you from your thoughts as you turned to see Professor Laventon entering holding a tray of food.

Laventon: Ah Y/n! How goes sorting through those files.

Y/n: Good, I was actually just about-

Smelling food, Buneary shot awake to look around for the scent's source.

Buneary: neary!

Seeing the tray in the Laventon's hand, the normal type jumped off your lap and bounded over to give the scholarly man a pleasing look. Meltan, being jostled by Buneary's movement, also woke up. It's hexnut head swiveling around confusedly before also latching onto the professor's tray. Before you could stop Meltan, it had already joined Buneary in her begging. Sighing, you just hung your head in embarrassment as the professor chuckled and handed the tray over to the two hungry mons.

Y/n: I'm sorry professor. I got them breakfast but...

You gestured to two Pokémon who were eagerly chowing down, Buneary on the delicious berry mash pastry and Meltan on the tray.

Laventon: *chuckle* That's alright. I figured those two would like a snack. Also made sure to grab this for you.

He pulled out another pastry wrapped in a napkin from his pocket and handed it to you. Grateful, you gave him a small while taking it and took a bite only to let out a satisfied moan feeling the delicious berry jelly filling gush onto your tongue.

Y/n: Mmmmm, Thanks.

Laventon: Of course. It was the least I could do after you spent all morning sorting through these files for me.

He picked up one the files and tossed it on top of the stack of ones set to be sent back to the village in the morning.

Laventon: Unfortunately I have another favor to ask. I know it's your due back at the village tomorrow, but something's come up that I need your help on.

You looked at him confused and a small bit concerned.

Y/n: Did something happen Professor?

Laventon: It's somewhat difficult to explain. But what do you know of the Diamond clan?

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