Chapter 10: Lake Verity

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Having prepped your bags the night prior, you and Akari were able to set out at first light to meet back up with Mai. At her insistence the three of you were planning to spend the day visiting Lake Verity and camping the night on its shores. You were excited and couldn't wait to see more of Hisui, however that didn't do anything to make it less strange when Mai suggested having Lord Wyrdeer babysit your partners while the three of you were at the lake. It was weird and you were doubtful about leaving your Pokémon behind but Mai and Akari were both strangely insistent on it so you relented. Not that it made it any less surreal not having Meltan with you. You'd gotten so used to having your cooing metal buddy with you all the time that not having him was just strange.

Thankfully Akari and Mai both seemed to notice this and were all too happy to keep your mind off Meltan by spending the hike out to the lake telling you different stories and factoids about the fieldlands. It was a relief, and Akari's rendition of the time she and some the survey girls were assigned to find a Big Bidoof put a smile on everyone's faces. Soon you were smiling and joining in on the fun, feeling even more excited then before for your trip to the lake.

That said however, nothing could of prepared you for seeing Lake Verity for the first time.

Y/n: Woah...

Standing on the shore, you stared out across Lake Verity in amazement. Morning light reflected off the still waters which were a rich deeper blue then anything you'd ever seen before. The occasional Pokémon poking from the water only added to the picturesqueness beauty of it all. It was so utterly breathtaking that you barely noticed Mai coming to stand beside you. Seeing your face, the dark haired girl smirked and leaned in close.

Mai: You know my people call Verity one of the three Great Lakes of Hisui. The view of the waters from the shoreline are famous.

Y/n: It's so beautiful.

Mai: Well that makes two things

You blushed and suddenly became much more aware of just how close she was standing next to you.

Y/n: Oh, t-thanks Mai.

The words came out in a jumbled stutter that made Mai chuckle as your blush deepened in embarrassment. Your feelings for the other girl were still a mess, and that cute giggle of hers wasn't helping. Thankfully your cheeks were spared from burning too long when Akari arrived carrying an almost comical amount of bags on her back. Tired and panting, she dropped the packs and promptly threw herself down on top of them to rest. Of course being who she was, Mai couldn't take this without getting a teasing smirk

Mai: Having some trouble there Akari?

If sarcasm were venom then Akari would have been the strongest poison type in Hisui. Luckily for Mai though she wasn't, and the worst the bluenette could manage was an annoyed huff.

Akari:  Nope I'm good. No thanks to a certain someone.

The two locked eyes and you could only sigh seeing where this was going. Friends they may have become, but that didn't stop the two from still occasionally get into it. 'It was starting to look like one of those times and so you just turned your back to them and continued to gaze out over the lake.

The clear view of the waters in the morning light was positively dazzling, and yet you couldn't help but feel a bit nervous without the familiar weight of your partner in your arms. The sight of a large fin peeking out the far end of the lake didn't help this feeling.

Y/n: Hey Mai, are you sure it's safe for us to be out here without our Pokémon?

Blinking, Mai shelved her quip for Akari and turned to slap a reassuring hand on your shoulder.

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