Chapter 6: First Survey

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The next morning came and with it your first day as an official member of the survey corps. It was impossible to keep the smile off your face as you strode through the fieldlands base camp with Meltan nestled against your breast. Sharing your excitement, the metallic mon waved hello to everybody in camp with a happy burble. However not everyone in your party felt the same, for with her disheveled hair and sloppily donned outfit Akari looked the picture definition of a woman dead to the world as she trudged tiredly along behind you.

Indeed the three of you cut quite the picture, earning more than your fair share of curious looks as you walked by. Feeling the weight of their eyes, Akari gently nudged you to get your attention.

Akari: Psst. Hey Y/n, is it me or is everyone looking at us.

Blinking, you subtly glanced around to see whom she was talking about. Which didn't take long as subtlety was never a strong suit for many of the people in the village.

Y/n: They're probably just curious. It's not everyday someone new joins. Don't worry, it'll stop after they get used to seeing us around.

Akari still looked a bit unsure but nodded and stuck closer to you as you navigated through the camp's various spattering of tents to get to the professor's field office. Coming to a stop outside the particularly large but otherwise un-ornamented tent, you paused for a moment to help Akari straighten up her uniform before stepping inside. Immediately upon entering you were greeted with the sight of Professor Laventon working at his chalk board until Meltan's cheerful noises caught his attention. Dropping his, the Professor was quick to wave you all inside with a jovial smile.

Laventon: Ah Y/n and Akari, you Captain said you'd be joining us today. I see you even brought Meltan along with you, hold on I think I got something here.

Turning around, the Professor rummaged through his things before pulling out a small lump of ore. Seeing the chunk, Meltan tilted its head and tried reaching for it with its stubby arms, earning a chuckle from Laventon as her stepped forward to hand the metal nugget off to the now very excited steel type.

Laventon: There we go, wouldn't want it getting hungry and snacking on any of the research instruments now would we.

Y/n: That was one time...

The professor's following laugh left you wilting in embarrassment, made only worse as you turned to see Akari struggling to hold back a snort. You pouted at this utter betrayal, but the professor was quick to school the conversation back to the original focus of the meeting as he waved the two of you towards his desk where several different open files and research logs were scattered about. Taking one of them, he flipped through it briefly before turning back to the two of you with a friendly look.

Laventon: Getting back on topic, I presume your both here for your first research assignment correct?

Y/n: Yes sir!

Akari: I guess.

You shot the bluenette a pointed look for her nonchalance, however the professor only seemed amused if anything as he reached across his desk and pulled out a thick heavy bound binder. Handing it over, you took it carefully to not disturb Meltan before opening it to see various sketches and notes describing an unfamiliar worm like Pokémon transitioning between larval, cocoon, and adult evolutionary stages. Curious about the book, Akari leaned over your shoulder for a peek only to blush seeing the accidental view it gave down your shirt. Meanwhile Laventon watched the two of you with a smile, happy to see two survey corps members so happily engrossed in their jobs.

Laventon: Those are our current findings on Wurmple and it's evolutions Silkoon and Beautifly. They're a species of three stage line of bug types native to the more wooded areas of the fieldlands. Up until recently I had Rei observing them and their evolutionary patterns, but following a dust up with a particularly angry bibarel he's been placed on medical leave.

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