Ch. 4 Kayce:

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Ch. 4 Kayce:

Carter burst into my room, panting, "Are you okay?"

My heart was beating rapidly inside my chest, it was what my wolf had been hinting at the entire day, the longing becoming almost overwhelming (the pull was stronger for alphas).

Carter noticed my wrist and the two tattoo-like bands around it, "Kayce, has the..."

"Yes," I breathed.

"Holy shit, hold on, I'm gonna go wake up Trent," he said, Trent was my third in command.

He walked away leaving my wolf and I torn. I wanted to jump out of the window right then and run towards the thing my heart called to. It was kind of twisted because alphas felt the pull way harder than normal wolves, yet we had to stay in our pack until she came to us – I couldn't just up and leave my pack alphaless with no idea when I'd be back. I paced back and forth in the room trying to let go of my pent-up energy. I really wanted to go on a run, but I knew if I did, I would just end up following the pull, and would be unable to stop. My wolf was whining loudly, and I was in complete agreement, I had no idea where she was, or how long it would take her to find me, and I had never been known to be very patient.

A few minutes later Cater and Trent came back – Trent's mate Noah was also there looking groggy. They tried to get me to stop pacing, but I was physically unable to, so we just started talking with me bouncing around the room like a madman. We were going to send word to all the other neighboring packs to see if any girl had crossed into their territory looking for their mate. I needed to see her so bad.

7:00 A.M.

"Why can't I just go look, I mean come on, pleaaseee, I'm not getting anything done anyways. Just into Noah's pack I promise I'll come right back if she's not there," I was begging in the kitchen.

I thought I could handle waiting, but as it turns out I could not. Carter and Trent had sent everybody out of the packhouse for the day (I kind of felt bad about it because it was early) and had proceeded to lock me in it. Heck, they even had guards surrounding it to make sure I didn't escape – my alpha wolf was gone, having been replaced by a lovesick puppy. I was supposed to be getting some more of my built-up paperwork done to distract myself, but that had gone out the window hours ago, I had stayed in my office for a good two hours trying to settle and get some work done, but I just kept jumping out of my seat to pace, or look out of my window.

"No Kayce," Carter sighed pulling me away from the door for the third time in the last ten minutes.

Carter had been getting stuff done (reading important documents etc.) and Trent had been keeping me company, but he was getting ready to go and supervise training. He walked downstairs in workout gear, and cautiously edged towards the door. Looking at me to make sure I wasn't going to make a break for it, he unlocked the door (which – to me – having them locked was pointless since they lock from the inside) and stepped out. As soon as the door was open, my wolf took over and lunged towards the door.

"Oh no you don't," Carter said snagging me by the waist and pulling me back.

My head lost rational thought and my wolf spoke, "But whyyy does he get to go out," I sounded like a child.

I saw Carter roll his eyes, which I would normally say something about, but I had more pressing concerns.

"Here," he said, "Go sit by window... you can watch for her."

I did as I was told. My eyes scanned the grass and the woods for any sign of her. All of the packs we had contacted had yet to get back to us making me continuously glance from my phone to the woods, phone, woods, phone, woods.

Bzzt bzzt

I snatched up my phone to look at the message. It was from Noah.

No, I haven't had any girls come through here, the only mating movement I've had was one of my boys leaving to go south. He texted me at about four in the morning saying that he had found her and was staying at a hotel in Westwood

I frowned at my phone and texted back.

What does that have to do with me?

His response came two minutes later.

He said that she has a twin who is also looking for her mate

I dropped my phone. I was through the roof, it had to be her. I could feel it. Westwood. I needed to get to Westwood.


I had never in all of my twenty-five years seen Kayce act this way. It was hilarious yet a little tiring. He was whining and begging almost constantly and was in general not acting like an alpha. It was like he had forgotten that he could command any of us to do anything, and I wasn't about to remind him. I needed him here in case anything happened in the pack especially since his mom wasn't able to perform her Luna duties, if he left, he'd be gone for God knows how long in God knows where. I just hoped that if something did happen, he'd snap out of this long enough to handle it. I glanced at him typing furiously on his phone before he snuck a peek at me.


I went back to typing on my computer while he excused himself to go to the restroom. He's going to try and escape again, bathroom on the left side of the house, I mind-linked the guards surrounding the house. There was some racket from the bathroom, and then from the front yard, and about ten minutes later Kayce was dragged back into the house struggling and looking very unhappy.

"But I need to go," he whined at the guard who I recognized as Nate.

He was clearly as amused as I was, and I nodded for him to go ahead and respond.

"No, you can't go," he said, his face clearly stating, 'I just told the Alpha no and got away with it'.

He eventually settled down again, going back to the window and typing furiously on his phone. I considered sedating him. 

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