A Section on Self-Reflection

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"I gotta say, Ash. This is pretty gutsy." Yvonne turned, gripping a Poké ball while locking eyes with her opponent. "Just asking a champion to a battle? Most trainers wouldn't dare."

"Hah, you're gonna find out that I'm not most trainers," Ash jeered, pointing his thumb towards his chest. "I'm gonna be a champion myself one day, so I can't pass up chances like these!"

"Pika!" Pikachu was as fired up as Ash was, with sparks of thunder in his cheeks signaling his excitement.

For the first time since Yvonne had met Ash, she cracked a smile— A small, snorting smile.

"You're ambitious— Let's see where that ambition gets you." Rearing back, Yvonne went into a practiced pitcher's stance, before launching a wicked fastball. "Go! Delphox!"

Appearing in a plume of smoke and cinders, Yvonne's mighty ace took the field, letting out a proud cry as she stared Ash and Pikachu down. In her hands was a unique accessory— not a wooden stick for a wand, but a whole branch, as tall as she was.

"A Delphox, huh?" Ash wasn't cowed, however. He merely smiled before nudging his partner. "Hey Pikachu, mind playing second-in-command for this one?"

"Pika? Pikachu!"

"I know, I know, but I wanna give Froakie a little love! I can feel he's gonna want in on this," Ash answered, as he dug out a ball from his pocket. "So let's show her what we can do!"

Pikachu grinned, before looking forward.


Yvonne glared, watching the two talk between themselves for a moment. Was Ash, asking his Pokémon for its opinion on the battle? What exactly was he up to?

"Alright, Yvonne, check this out! I choose, Froakie!" As if on cue, Ash answered her, sending out his Pokemon.

With a torrent of water to mark his entrance, a lone Froakie appeared, facing Yvonne's Delphox with a look of proud determination. It was a look that matched his trainer.

"You've got some big boots to fill Ash, if you intend on becoming a champion one day," Yvonne said with a snort, glancing up from her tiny opponent. Yet, when she did, Ash's smug smile made her pause.

"Heh, you should keep your eyes on the prize. Froakie! Double Team into Water Pulse!"

"Huh!" Yvonne's eyes snapped down to where Froakie should've been, finding bare ground instead. Which meant— "Delphox, left and right, Flamethrower, now!"

In an instant, two copies of Froakie appeared at either side of Delphox. They were fast, but not fast enough. A crackling, fiery column from Delphox dismissed the copies in an instant.

Dismissed the copies.

"Where is—!" Quickly, Yvonne realized her folly. Froakie was coming from above! "Flame—!"


"Too late!" At Ash and Pikachu's call, Froakie landed, slamming a charged Water Pulse straight onto his opponent's head. An explosion of steam filled the air as Delphox cried and stumbled back. "Keep the pressure up, Froakie! Back-to-back Pounds!"

Gritting her teeth, Yvonne quickly moved to retaliate.

"Dive into the steam, Delphox! Use the cover and fire back with Psyshock!" she directed, watching her partner narrowly avoid Froakie's first and second swings. Just how fast was this frog!?

"Get back, Froakie! You gotta outlast that hit!" Cupping his hands, Ash let his command ring out clear. Just in time as well.

Right as Froakie began to summersault away, granules of pink psychic energy shot out from the cloud of steam, crashing down onto the spot he just stood at. And that wasn't all— More of the deadly projectiles were in hot pursuit!

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