chris sturniolo - happy part two

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Description: Please read part one of happy before reading this part.

Main Character: Blair, an oc I created

Love Interest: Chris Sturniolo

Category: Angst💔, Fluff ☁️

"tell them," nate says harshly and chris looks up from his phone as nate and freya walk up to them. freya has a look of guilt and slight anger on her face. "tell them, freya."

chris looks at matt, who's just as confused as he is, and looks back at freya. "tell us what?"

"what's going on?" nick says, leaning backwards on his locker next to madi. 

"you can't make me, nate," freya rolls her eyes. 

"either you tell them or i tell them for you."

"fine," she snaps and sighs, resituating her backpack on her shoulders. 

"well, what is it?" matt crosses his arms. "i want to go home."

"i was the one who posted the picture of blair and jax."

silence filled the empty air and chris let the sentence process through his mind. "wait, what?"

"i posted it," freya said. "i posted the picture of them kissing and bribed jax into saying that blair was using you guys."

after a long moment of no one saying anything, nick breaks through the silence. "what the fuck?"

"why the hell would you do that?" madi said on the verge of shouting. "so blair didn't do any of that? you're telling me we just cut her out of her lives for a lie that you made up?"

chris stayed silent as freya protested. 

"in my defense, she did kiss jax! i was the only one at the party. you didn't see what i saw," freya argued and matt groaned, running a hand through his hair. "she cheated on chris technically! blair let jax kiss her!"

"she could've been drunk!" madi countered. 

"well, you weren't there were you?" freya sneered. "plus, it's been so much better since she's gone so it doesn't really matter now!"

"yes it does!" nick shouts. "blair was my best friend! i loved her like a sister. how could you do that?"

"oh please," freya stuck out her tongue in disgust. "not that sappy shit. there's no way you can't tell me that blair isn't annoying with her 'always happy' attitude. she's such a whore-"

madi's slap across freya's face cut off her sentence. 

"DON'T SAY THAT!" madi screamed and matt immediately pulled her back by both arms. nate pushed freya away from madi as she rubbed her cheek and fumed. "DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT ABOUT HER. SHE'S THE SWEETEST GIRL I KNOW AND MY BEST FRIEND."

"not anymore, she isn't," freya's comment made everyone freeze. 

she's right. blair's not with them anymore. the last time they talked was two weeks ago. 

"my plan already worked," freya shrugged delicately and nate shoved her away from him with a look of disgust. "blair's out of the picture. it's just us now. you don't have to worry about her. she's basically a nobody now."

"she's not a nobody," chris whispered and his fist curled up in anger. 

"well one thing's for sure, she's certainly not your girlfriend anymore," freya laughed and chris' heart ached. 

blair's gone. out of his life. all because of a rumor that he didn't let her explain. the sweet girl that he fell in love with probably hated him. 

"let's go," matt clapped chris on the shoulder and steered him to the car. "we're going to blair's house." nick stayed quiet, small tears forming in the corner of his eyes, suddenly missing the girl he spent hours hating for the past weeks. 

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