chris sturniolo - happy

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Description: This is actually the opposite of what the title is. This is not happy. 

Main Character: Blair, an oc I created.

Love Interest: Chris Sturniolo 

Category: Angst 💔

TW: Cussing, and writing this actually hurt my heart. btw this is my au, so it won't match up to rl, duh.

all of this started with a rumor. i didn't know it was coming. looking back, i don't think i deserved any of this.

it was friday. and i love fridays. they're my favorite day of the week because it symbolizes the end of the week and everything i accomplished in that week and it's the start of freedom in the weekend. 

so naturally, i arrived at school happier than usual. i try to be as happy as i can be even if it's a bad day. smiles and laughter are contagious and that's what i'm known for.

i remember it being a good day. a very, very good day.

-a week earlier-

blair checked her make up in the car mirror, smacking her glossy lips together and lifting her eyelashes with her finger. she was abnormally happy because it was an unusually bright day and it was her anniversary with her boyfriend, chris, of one year.

she checked her outfit over one more time for any stains: a red cropped sweater with poofy bishop sleeves, white jeans, and red jordans. 

grinning, she exited the car and practically hopped her way to the school entrance. nothing could ruin her mood. 

or at least that's what she thought. 

the moment she stepped inside the building, she could tell something was off. the chatter died down the moment the door opened and people were not-staring her, which was worse than being stared at. she couldn't really read the look on their faces like she normally does, catching a hint of worry, hatred, and... guilt?

blair ignored it and pranced off to her meeting place with one of her closest friends, freya. her smile only widened as she saw her friend in front of their lockers which were neighbors.

"hey fre," she said, her tone light and happy.

her normally loud friend was quiet and her smile died a little. "freya?" blair reached out to the blonde's shoulder and her heart jumped as freya jerked away from her.

"don't touch me," she snapped and slammed her locker shut.

"woah, freya, what's wrong?" she asked softly, trying her best to make her feel better. after all, it's basically her job and meaning in life at this point.

freya glared at her and blair flinched, not used to seeing that look on her friend's face. 

this isn't right. 

this isn't right at all.

she's supposed to bring happiness not anger.

"don't act so innocent, blair," freya took a step back, hugging her book to her chest. "even if you didn't directly hurt me, i know what you did. you're horrible, blair."


"freya, wait-"

she was cut off by freya smacking her hand away and storming off in the direction of her class. tears welled up in blair's eyes but she quickly wiped them away. 

it's okay, she thought. freya was just having a bad day. blair plastered a smile on her face and blinked the tears back. maybe she didn't mean that. anger controls people. maybe her and freya can work things out in the end.

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