Chapter 7

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Today, the president of Jeon Enterprises called a meeting for employees especially the lower grade ones. That was not the first time though. Since Lera joined the company, she had been attending such type of meetings time to time but she was nervous just like her first employee meeting. These sudden meetings always made employees nervous because of their unexpected outcomes.

That was the strategy of Mr Jeon since the very start. The board of directors and the president itself always held meetings atleast in every five to six months to monetize the employees performance and the company revenue and they provide bonuses and promotion on that basis. But these meetings are not just about promotions and bonuses always, sometimes in these meetings one can get fired too because of her/his bad record or performance.

Lera always envied Mr Jeon. He was a great business man and he achieved all of this by himself despite having no family business or something. She got to know about this through Jin because he was an employee at the company when the Jeon Enterprises just started their journey. Mr Jeon always treated him as his own son because he was working with them for quite long as he joined Jeons company since he was only seventeen. That was also one of the reasons that Lera got a job here because she was introduced by Jin and Mr Jeon trust Jin’s choic blindly.

However, there was no exception for Lera when it comes to such type of meetings. She too always had to maintain her performance and record and she did. She did work hard and that’s why she always passed the meetings though she never achieved any bonus or promotion yet.

She respected Mr Jeon just like her own father and she always got nervous infront of him because of his intimidating personality. The reason of her nervousness was the fear of making any mistake and making a fool of herself infront of the person she respected the most.


Lera didn’t make herself embarrass infront of Mr Jeon instead she got the promotion.

She was still in shock about her encounter with President Jeon earlier. As always she tried to hide behind the other employees not to get caught by Mr Jeon and to avoid Jin glares but when her name called, she couldn’t do anything but to step forward. She thought that she was going to get a warning for those two to three times when she was late for work but to her surprise, President Jeon praised her for her monthly performance and announced her promotion.

She was in daze untill she found Jin glaring at her and motioning her to say something appreciative and that’s when she realised it wasn’t a dream. She cursed herself in heart for making herself a clown again even after gaining the promotion.

She immediately called Sohee and told her about her promotion. Sohee demanded a treat and she couldn’t deny her as she was soo happy.

She wanted Jin to tag along with them too but he denied as he had some work.

Now both were at one of the famous restaurant of their area waiting for the food they ordered.

“See… I told you not underestimate yourself. You have potential that’s why you got the promotion.” Sohee said taking the promotion letter from Lera’s hand which she was staring at since the time she received it.

“Hmm… you are right. After receiving this promotion letter I realised that I can do something I really want and that too not only for survival but as a passion.” Lera was genuinely happy.

After a long time, she got a good news. For the past two months, since she had an encounter with that jerk, everything sucks as she failed some of her quizzes at school which she knew will affect her already messed up GPA. She felt hopeless but now when her hard work paid off well in company, she saw light in the dark.

“Woah…. That’s something new. Seems like you finally stopped sulking over that stupid not so important quizzes. That’s like my girl.” Sohee was surprised to see her like that because normally she was someone who sulks for quite long.

Lera smiled at her but her smile faded as soon as her eyes fell on jungkook who entered the restaurant with some other guy.

She didn’t want to spoil her celebration again so she asked Sohee to go somewhere else.

“Why? What happened suddenly? You were all fine a while ago.” Sohee asked confused but when she turned her head and looked at the direction where Lera was glaring she understand the reason.

Lera didn’t reply to her. All she was thinking  how to cancel her order and to leave this restaurant before that jerk could see her and again accused her as some pervert or stalker.

Jungkook didn’t see her. He was here with Jimin.

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