Chapter 8

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Jungkook was quite upset as his debut was delayed. The reason was that he made a small mistake in his debut test and they stopped his debut. Now he has to wait more for his debut. He knew that ones the debut was delayed, he would have to wait for another three to four months for the next debut test. The company in which he was a trainee hardly conducted the debut test twice a year.

He thought he would eat it all but now it all seemed difficult to manage together at ones especially when he had to study along with work. No matter how good he is with singing and how much of a genius he is with school grades, if he handles studies as well as work, one thing is bound to affect no matter how hard he tries especially when he decided to have a career completely different from the subject at school.

He didn’t tell his parents about it because he knew that once his father found about it, he wouldn’t stop nagging him.

And that was the reason he didn’t attend the Jeon Enterprises meeting even though it was held here in Seoul branch. He didn’t want to deal with his father in a blue mood because he knew that if his father found about his debut test failure from anywhere or anyone, he would start bragging about how he was right and Jungkook was wrong about choosing music over business which will eventually lead to another argument between them.

He lied that he was unwell so that his father would not force him to come to the meeting. He wanted to be alone for some time but jimin didn’t let him. He knew about Jungkook debut test failure as he was also working in the same company as jungkook as a dance teacher. Jimin wanted to lighten his mood up and all he thought was food because he knew how much of a  foodie Jungkook was and believed that it will work.

He dragged a sulking Kookie out of his house and took him to a restaurant where the food was very famous for it’s taste.

Now Jungkook was here with Jimin in the same restaurant as Lera and Sohee. Both were in the same restaurant but with different reasons.

Lera was here for celebration while Jungkook was here to fix his bad mood.

He hadn’t seen Lera yet, but even if he had, it wouldn’t matter to him at the moment.


“Let’s go..” Lera said pleading to Sohee and tried to get her up from the chair by holding her hand.

“No.” Sohee replied in a serious tone as the food they ordered a while ago was about to serve because the order couldn’t be cancelled despite Lera’s try. The food had already been prepared and now the restaurant wanted payment whether they ate the food or not. Sohee didn’t want to waste food like that, nor did she want to find another restaurant at this time of night and ruin her mood just because of Lear’s stupid assumptions.

“He doesn’t even know you’re here so why are you panicking? I know he misunderstood you in your very first encounter but that doesn’t mean he would always do the same and besides, it has been almost three months since that incident happened.”  Sohee didn’t like Lera’s behaviour a bit. After a long time, she got something for herself and she wanted to ruin it for herself without even an authentic reason.

“You didn’t do anything wrong then why the hell are you hiding.” There was now a bit of anger in Sohee’s tone.

Lera gulped. Angry Sohee was scary. And she knew that Sohee didn’t say anything wrong. She was really making a clown of herself by acting this way. That Jerk over there probably forgot about the incident already and why should she avoid him when she didn’t even do anything.

“You are right. Sorry.” Lera said in a low voice and apologising eyes.

Sohee sighed and her expressions softened at Lera’s puppy eyes.

“I promise, I will not do this again.” Lera added now showing her full teeth.

Sohee laughed at her cute baby expressions making Lera laugh along with herself.

Both enjoyed their food with caring about the damn world.


It had been weeks since that celebration dinner. Life was back to its old shape. Lera was busy with her hectic life which was more difficult to manage because the promotion brought more work and responsibilities along with itself.

She didn’t try to avoid Jungkook again but it didn’t make any difference as they weren’t even friends in the first place. So either she avoids him or not, it didn’t matter because they had no interaction at all.

However, by not avoiding him, she have found out that he was a pretty genius student. During this period, she came to know that he had the top marks in all the quizzes that was held by the professors.

She was surprised as she hadn’t seen him in the library that much. She had seen him in the library just a few times when he was completing some assignments alone as he didn’t like to pair with anyone for the assignment work and what surprised her the most was that he even managed to get the permission from the professors to do this.

She also observed that his friend zone was quite limited. Apparently she hadn’t seen him with anyone beside Jimin. But most of the time he was alone as Jimin was from the Arts department.

Well he was not that lonely as the fangirls always try their best to get his attention but he don’t give a fuck about them.


Semester exams were near and as usual Lera had no preparation for it.

She was in the library for selective study as she didn’t study throughout the whole semester. She didn’t wanted to fuck this up again.

She was tired now as she had been studying for the past two hours. She thought to rest for a while before go back to study again.

As she laid her head on the table and closed her eyes, she heard a groaning sound. She opened her eyes and looked around to see where the sound was coming from. There were only a few students in the library at that time.

She again heard a weird sound but this time it was a shuffling sound.

She was getting annoyed by the sound as it was disturbing her sleep. She decided to stop the one whoever was making the sound.

She got up from his chair and hurried towards where the sound was coming from. The sound was coming from behind a bookshelf.

She went there and opened her mouth to say something but stopped as she witnessed the scene infront of her eyes.

Her eyes widened in shock.

Jungkook and a girl was kissing.

The Badboy next door ( Jeon jungkook ff )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora