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The tension crackles in the air as Jeongguk storms out of Seoyeon's hut. Her manipulative words cling to him like cobwebs, leaving him disoriented and questioning everything he thought he knew. Donghyun's voice echoing in his head - "Seoyeon is not head omega built" - fuels his determination to seek the truth. He needs to hear Jimin's side, to untangle the web of lies.

Unsure whether it's too late, he decides to track down Jimin the next morning. Jeongguk barely got a wink of sleep that night, tossing and turning with all the different emotions swirling within him. But he knew he needed a clear head to face Jimin.

By the time the first rays of sunlight filtered through his window, dark circles adorn his eyes. However, they are the least of his concerns. Seeking out Jimin is his primary focus. He shifts into his wolf form, bones cracking and grey fur sprouting from his skin. A surge of raw power curses through him when he makes his way through the forest to Jimin's hut.

Even if it's early in the morning, that doesn't mean that Jimin is in the hut. On some days, he had already seen Jimin running through the pack territory at dawn.

The familiar hut appears in his view. Instead of finding the person he's looking for, the hut seems quiet. A low growl rumbles in his throat when a sudden flash of movement catches his eye. A blur of white fur streaks through the trees, which has Jeongguk's ears perking up; his attention fixed on the wolf coming towards him. He takes a tentative step forward, sniffing the air, when Jimin emerges from the tall grass. The wolf stops, having noticed him now.

A flicker of surprise crosses Jimin's face before it hardens into a mask of indifference. He throws Jeongguk a fleeting glance, his eyes guarded, then melts back into the trees with the silent grace of a ghost. Jeongguk is left frozen, his wolf pacing restlessly within him.

Should he chase after him? The last thing he wants is to drive Jimin further away. But can he bear the silence, the gnawing uncertainty any longer? He closes his eyes, trying to silence the storm within. What would his wolf do? Burdened by doubt, his inner wolf lets out a low whine, nudging him towards Jimin's scent. Perhaps the forest holds the answers he seeks, and Jimin is the key.

Jeongguk hesitates, caught between the wolf's instinct to follow and the fear of pushing Jimin further away. But indecision gnaws at him like a hungry animal. He takes a deep breath, the scent of damp earth and pine needles filling his lungs. His wolf whines again, impatient. Finally, with a determined growl, Jeongguk sets off after Jimin, his steps light and silent on the forest floor.

The chase becomes a dance through the dense undergrowth. Sunlight filters through the trees in dappled patterns. Birds chirp, unaware of the turmoil brewing between the two wolves. He wonders where Jimin could be heading and follows him deeper into the forest. A deep growl leaves his throat as a warning, meaning to say, "Stop running away."

But there is no use. Jimin doesn't stop. He seems desperate to avoid a conversation, something Jeongguk desperately needs but what he fears as well.

With a burst of speed, Jeongguk dashes forward, grateful for his nimble legs and that he is able to run neck and neck with Jimin. He tries to get Jimin to stop with growls and other signs, only succeeding when they end up in the meadow where it all began. When Jeongguk approaches, Jimin doesn't run. Instead, he stands his ground, his eyes blazing with defiance. The tension hangs heavy as they stand face-to-face, their wolf forms battling within.

Jeongguk mirrored Jimin's stance, his fur bristling and a low growl rumbling from his throat. Jimin holds his gaze, his ears flattening against his head. A guttural snarl rips from his throat, laced with a hint of desperation. Jeongguk dips his head slightly, a questioning whine escaping him.

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐇 𝐎𝐅 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊✗𝐏𝐉𝐌Where stories live. Discover now