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In his wolf form, Jungkook hobbles back to his hut, exhausted and at the end of his rope. With every step he takes out of the forest, his wounds throb and he tries with forced restraint to suppress crying out in pain by clenching his teeth. It would take time for the wounds to heal and people will be able to tell he has been in a fight. 

He still can't get Jimin’s behaviour out of his head. After the healer was stopped from lingering there any longer by a voice, Jungkook decided to lie still, and to let the herbs work. He took the time to think about things more intensely, but no matter how he twisted it, nothing made sense. 

Jimin in no way looked like he didn't know what he was doing or like he was making eyes at him. Instead, his - remarkably small - hands went over the wound with care. No one had to say it, Jungkook saw it in his posture and movements. Jimin had no evil intentions. All the thoughts make him dizzy, so he shakes them off as he sees his hut within reach. 

He stops a few metres from it when he can smell the tracks of another alpha in the air. Jungkook’s body freezes before he bubbles with confusion and an uneasy feeling. Jungkook steps slowly forward and turns behind a tree that gives him enough shade when he is certain that no one is nearby. He slips on the clothes he had taken off earlier and approaches the hut with determined steps. 

The first thing Jungkook notices is an extremely strong smell of alpha that emits from his hut. The second thing he notices is that Seoyeon is also there. His thoughts race and displeasure spreads through his body as he tries to make sense of whatever awaits him. What the hell is another Alpha doing in his home and with Seoyeon? 

“What are you doing here Donghyun?” His deep and strained voice rings out as he opens the door with a jutted jaw. Both sit there in his hut at the table, too close in his opinion. Nothing unusual but the silence that he’s met with from Donghyun lights a fire in his stomach.

"I asked you what you're doing here Donghyun," Jungkook asks again, blowing out a noisy breath and hissing quietly from the pain he feels. 

He steps closer to Seoyeon when neither of them answer, and is greeted with silence instead. He rubs his temples with his fingers before slamming them on the table and bending his body forward. Jungkook feels like he missed something. After all, this is his hut and he didn't allow the alpha to be here.

“Seoyeon?” He's getting impatient and losing his composure. Jungkook is sure that the others can notice it. 

“We were just discussing something.”

"Oh? And for that to happen, it had to happen in my hut? Look, even if we are together, it gives you no right to invite another Alpha into my hut without my knowledge, be it to talk as you say. You have to put yourself in my shoes, too. Imagine if I were to invite someone to talk in your hut without your knowledge. How would you feel about that? I hope you know what I am getting at and will pay attention in the future. Please go now, I need some time to myself." 

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐇 𝐎𝐅 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊✗𝐏𝐉𝐌Where stories live. Discover now