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Please don't comment pls Update when I've just updated. It only puts me under more pressure <3

In a clearing, Jungkook stands ready in his wolf form and waits for the other wolves to join the patrol. The cold winter wind blowing through the leaves of the trees brushes through his thick grey winter coat and gives him a few goosebumps. The sun barely shines through the thick clouds. Jungkook doesn't need to ask anyone else to notice how the wind has become colder. Soon the snow would fall and cover the floor in a white blanket.

Taking a breath, Jungkook raises his muzzle high in the air, smelling the various scents of the other alphas and betas who are waiting behind him to give a sign of 'let's go'. The familiar scent of Amber hits his nose, alerting him and letting him know that the last wolf is here. He confirms this with a quick glance over his shoulder, then huffs loudly enough for the others to hear, signaling that they are leaving.

Today they are a group of five wolves, two betas and three alphas who walk through the forest. The patrol group doesn't always consist of five-pack members. There are days when the group only consists of four or three pack members; always depending on a few things of what's going on in the pack and if wolves are needed somewhere else.

So far the forest has turned out to be very quiet, birds chirping here and there but no more. Jungkook assumes it might be too early for some animals to come out. They pass by the lake and walk along the border, vigilant and with their ears perked up when Jungkook suddenly picks up a scent. Alerted, he freezes in his steps, causing the other wolves to halt as well. He raises his nose higher, trying to pick up on the scent. No doubt there's a bear in their woods, however, the faint scent of distressed lavender makes his thoughts go into overdrive, scent spiking.

A sudden onset of anger and determination overcomes him, eyes widening and legs muscles tightening, ready to run. He clenches his teeth with a heavy feeling settling in his stomach, and a deep growl leaving his throat. Something is wrong. If there's really a bear in their territory, then they have to act quick, so the bear won't head to their village or catch Jimin.

The other wolves must have caught on and let out a threatening growl. Immediately they start chasing after the scent, alarm bells going off in their minds. They don't know what to expect or how big this bear will be, but they will do their best to defeat it before it can do any damage. Because apparently, this bear doesn't hibernate and may be even more dangerous when out foraging.

They run through the forest as if they are already chasing their prey, their bodies moving smoothly between the trees and through the bushes. By the scent, they can tell that not much distance separates them from the bear, which only makes them more determined. From a distance, they can hear a deep growl from the bear, but also, a little later, Jimin's howl full of fear and pain. This triggers some kind of panic in Jungkook, and he speeds up his movements as best he can. At this moment he doesn't think about the possible reasons why he wants to see Jimin alive, wants to know that he is safe or wants to make sure that he is not seriously injured. He just blames his instincts for it.

𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐇 𝐎𝐅 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊✗𝐏𝐉𝐌Where stories live. Discover now