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A/N: here ya go 😭🤧 a very short ch update, big thank you to Lucilia and Scarlet


Seoyeon doesn't wait for a reply. She inhales deeply with wrath pumping through her veins and storms off, having only one goal in her mind. "I won't let this omega destroy everything I worked for. Not now and not in the future."

A wicked smile briefly plays across her lips, before her face morphs sinister again. She feels an incomprehensible rage that she cannot describe. Tightness reflects in her eyes as she approaches a hut further outside the pack area centre. She's about to look around, thinking the other might be there when her eyes catch a glimpse of Jimin doing some garden work. He's caring for the flowers, which Donghyun let wilted. It was truly delightful to hear Donghyun succeeded in making him feel miserable.

Having seen Jimin's grandparents earlier on the market, makes it easier to choose to approach Jimin in the garden, chin jutted, and voice raised, "What do you think you're doing?! Are you trying to sabotage my relationship?!"

Afternoon clouds begin to look darker, and evidently, the sky is closing in on them. It won't be long before it rains.

The situation is similar between Seoyeon and Jimin. The atmosphere becomes charged, and angry pheromones of lavender and berries mingle in the air. She watches piercingly as Jimin stops his gardening and visibly tenses. Seoyeon grows impatient, waiting for a counter-reaction and strides closer to Jimin with a tense posture and curled-up fingers.

She snorts in annoyance and is about to take another step towards him when, out of the blue, Jimin turns to face her with narrowed eyes and a similar attitude. She expected many things, but certainly not for Jimin to turn around and retort irritably to her,

"What are you talking about? I've done nothing to sabotage your relationship, and what do you think you're doing here trespassing?!"

Threateningly, Seoyeon dares to step closer, almost completely ignoring what Jimin has said. "Stop lying! I've heard some things about you already, but I didn't think you'd go as far as turning Jeongguk's head as well. I know what you're trying to do. You want Jungkook for yourself and want to become head omega too."

Although Jimin chews his lip and has clammy palms, he watches Seoyeon and shows no sign of weakness or cowardice in his gaze. The sour smell of lavender nevertheless makes her scrunch her nose in disgust. "That's total nonsense! I have no interest whatsoever in interfering in your relationship, nor any interest in the title!"

"I don't believe you! I saw you talking at the lake, I saw you together several times lately. Haven't I given you enough warnings? What do I have to do for you to vanish?"

Completely quivering with negative emotions, Seoyeon hasn't even noticed what has just rolled off her tongue, involuntarily admitting her actions. Jimin has nevertheless taken in what she said with narrowed eyes and apparently realises what it means. Something unknown flickers in his brown and hostile eyes, lavender now wilting. "The warnings? All those attacks came from you? I knew it. It just had to be you. Ever since I heard you saying you're responsible for the rumours, it didn't take long for me to connect it was you."

Seoyeon scoffs before she falls into mocking laughter. "You might have them deserved if people are talking about you. Besides, you have no evidence that it was me. It's just a speculation no one will believe. And the warnings? It seems like they weren't enough to make you stay away from Jungkook. You always have to ruin everything."

"Deserved?" Jimin asks, his voice full of hate and disbelief. "Don't you dare talk about what I deserve and what not? What exactly have I done to deserve such treatment? I mind my own business, straying away from everyone. I haven't done such things for such deservingness."

"Oh, look at you, the dainty omega trying to talk about a big game. Don't make me laugh, you useless wolf." Seoyeon roars, a faint smirk playing across her lips. "Stay away from Jungkook, Jimin. I don't think you want that pretty face to meet its hell."

Ouch, she must have hit a nerve.

Her smirk becomes more evident, seeing Jimin falter in his what should have been firm and precise movement to cross his arms. His shoulders slightly droop and he twists his lips. She begins to like the effect she has on the other with her presence and words, noticing Jimin isn't as strong as he pretends to be. "Why are you so desperate and fond to accuse and prove it's me who tries to separate you when it was you who separated us, you hypocrite. We were children. He was my best friend and I lost him thanks to you! Do you even care about him? It seems like you only want power. That you're here just proves my theory, and don't think I haven't heard about the rumour of what people think about you.

The "head omega" not able to provide help to her alpha during his rut. How does it feel to be at this side of this end? Doesn't feel so great now, does it? Imagine how I've felt every single day times ten."

Something about what he said makes her angry, so angry that rage overtakes Seoyeon, and she grabs the nearest tangible shovel, heading towards Jimin with determined steps. She has always loathed his presence. She loathes that Jimin carries beauty with him and that despite everything she's done, there are still alphas who think he's the most beautiful omega in the pack. Without him, her life would be so much easier. Seoyeon could become head omega without any complications or stones thrown into her way. She has often wondered why Jungkook liked, basically clung to, this annoying omega when they were pups. What's so special about Jimin?

If she had her way, she would have banished Jimin from the pack long ago, or if she could just erase Jimin's presence from her life, everything would be fine. Great, even. But regardless how many times she undertakes actions, Jimin always gets in her way.

Even now, it seems that Jimin has seen through her, and she cannot let him rat her out. No one may believe him, but if he gets Jungkook on his side, it may be the end of her. But that won't happen, not if she can help it.

"I've had enough of you. Back then it was always Jimin this, Jimin that. You were inseparable, and I won't let the same happen again. He feels bothered by you! Have you not seen it several times by now?! It's time for you to learn where your place is and that you're no one important to him. Also, you'll never be head omega."

Jimin's breath hitches, panic flashing across his face, expressed through his eyes that widen and show white around the iris. He jumps to grasp what looks like a weeding fork from where he sat before and moves to stand in a defensive stance. Seoyeon temporarily freezes as he lifts the tool and looks her straight into her eyes, his hand trembling slightly.

"Bothered? Is that what it's all about? You say Jungkook feels bothered by me, however, it's him who looks for me. He's the one that doesn't leave me alone after the countless times I've told him to stay away. You know, I find it amusing how your scent spikes when you mention head omega. It's like that's what you're more worried about. You're scared of losing a title that is never and will never be yours, you being here says a lot about you. Confronting me and threatening me like a madwoman. I wonder what Jungkook would say because you're nothing but selfish. You don't deserve to be mated to Jungkook. He deserves someone who is with him for him, not for a measly title."

Seoyeon's scowl deepens, shaking with blood-boiling rage that goes up to her head. "You don't know anything and, unfortunately, you don't get to have a say in this. Who will believe you? Especially, when no one is willing enough to take you seriously, you have no one. No one for you to depend on. No one that will have your pathetic back. No one will be saving you, not if I can prevent it from happening."

'You are selfish and just don't grant anyone peace and happiness. I wish you would never become head omega. If people knew that this is their future head omega, you would never be able to make it that far. You don't deserve that title.'

Seoyeon loudly growls, her wolf taking over her, and she's about to swing the shovel at Jimin when she's stopped in her tracks by someone catching her wrist that's followed by a booming voice.

"What do you think you're doing and what do you mean no one will believe him? What the fuck is going on here?" Staring back into familiar fierce red eyes, Seoyeon can feel her anger subside within seconds, replaced by worry and panic after her gaze darts from Jungkook to Donghyun entering the garden shortly after.

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