Episode 18: broken bonds 💔

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Suddenly ,Sarawat sat down in his office chair, his hand pressed against his chest as his heart raced erratically.

He felt as if that omega is around him....yes that omega Tine

Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to be swept away by the memories that flooded his mind.

The image of Tine, the omega he had encountered in the forest, appeared before him, bringing a soft smile to his lips. He remembered the moment their eyes had met, the instant connection he had felt, and the warmth that had blossomed in his heart.

But as quickly as the smile had formed, it vanished, replaced by a furrowed brow and a cloud of frustration. Sarawat couldn't shake the anger that had consumed him since their encounter. The resentment he harbored towards Tine for the misunderstanding that had driven them apart weighed heavily on his heart.

Sarawat: "Why does my heart betray me? Despite everything, why do I still feel this pull towards him?"

His voice echoed in the quiet of the room, filled with turmoil and confusion. Sarawat grappled with his conflicting emotions, torn between the longing he felt for Tine and the resentment that threatened to consume him.

As he sat alone in his office, grappling with the complexities of his emotions, Sarawat couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to reconcile the love he felt with the anger that had taken root in his heart.

Sarawat's mother entered the room, her gentle presence interrupting his contemplation. She observed her son lost in thought and approached him with a tender smile.

"Sarawat, what's on your mind, my dear?" she inquired, her voice filled with warmth and concern.

Sarawat attempted to dismiss her concern with a casual response. "It's nothing, Mom," he replied, though his troubled expression betrayed his attempt to brush off her inquiry.

His mother's chuckle filled the room as she gently prodded him further. "Are you still thinking about your omega?" she asked knowingly.

Sarawat's scoff was immediate, his tone defensive as he denied her assumption. "No, Mom, I'm not," he insisted, though the lingering thoughts of Tine lingered in the recesses of his mind.

His mother's expression softened with understanding as she spoke, her words carrying a gentle reassurance. "He is your soulmate, Sarawat. You are bound to meet him," she reminded him gently.

Sarawat shook his head in disbelief, his doubts and insecurities surfacing once more. "I don't think so, Mom," he murmured, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I don't think so."

As the scene faded out, the weight of Sarawat's conflicted emotions hung heavy in the air, leaving an undercurrent of uncertainty and apprehension in its wake.
Tine on hand felt, his heart quinch as if his soulmate thinking about him, tine was determined to make things right with his alfa/ his soulmate



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