Episode 16: New Chapter

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The next day, as the pairs prepared to take their leave, the queen handed each omega a mysterious pendant, emphasizing its importance on their journey. Tine, confused by the gesture, received his pendant with a questioning look.

Queen: "Wear these pendants. They hold the key to a path you must walk."

As Tine examined the pendant, the queen fixed him with a knowing gaze, and in an authoritative tone, she spoke directly to him.

Queen: "Tine, I know the mistakes you believe you've made. Now, it's time to correct them."

Tine, still bewildered, stammered, "But... I can't force Sarawat. He left because of me."

The other alfas stepped forward, supportive and understanding, offering words of encouragement.

Gun: "Tine, no alfa could hate their omega. Love has its ways."

Ohm: "Give it a chance, Tine. Love can overcome misunderstandings."

Nanon: "You're not alone. We're here for each other."

Tine, overwhelmed by the collective support, hesitated but eventually nodded.

Tine: "Okay, I'll try. But what if he doesn't want to come back?"

Cher: "Trust the process, Tine. Love has its way of bringing hearts together."

With the pendants clasped around their necks, the pairs bid their final farewells to the queen and the magical town, stepping into the unknown with a sense of purpose. Tine, carrying the weight of his past decisions, felt a renewed determination to mend what was broken.

The queen, watching them depart, whispered a silent hope for the magic within those pendants to guide them toward reconciliation and unity. The fate of the magical town hung in the delicate balance of love and understanding, with Tine prepared to face the challenges that awaited him.

As the alfas expressed concerns about the daunting journey back to the city, the omegas shared a knowing look among themselves, unable to contain their laughter.

Gun: "What's so amusing? The way back is filled with dangerous creatures."

Nanon: (grinning) "Why walk when you can fly?"

Confusion etched on the alfas' faces, Ohm voiced their question, "Fly? How?"

Nanon pointed upward with a mischievous glint in his eyes, "Like this." With a casual whistle, a majestic flying dragon swooped down from the sky, its wings beating gracefully.

The alfas, wide-eyed and apprehensive, took a step back. Gun, nervously scratching his head, asked, "Are these dragons... safe?"

Cher, the dragon's apparent companion, chuckled, "Of course, they're friendly. Harmless, even."

Despite the omega's assurances, the alfas hesitated, eyeing the dragon cautiously. The omegas, sensing their trepidation, attempted to ease the tension.

Nanon: "Look, alfas, they're here to help us. Trust me; they won't harm you."

Cher patted the dragon's side, showcasing its docile nature. "Meet our trusty companions. They'll make the journey much quicker and safer."

The alfas exchanged uncertain glances, still not fully convinced. However, as Cher gracefully mounted the dragon and soared into the sky, the alfas' curiosity overcame their fear.

Ohm: (tentatively) "Alright, we'll give it a try. But if anything happens, it's on you."

Nanon: (smirking) "Nothing will happen. Just hold on tight and enjoy the ride."

After some coaxing and reassurance, the alfas reluctantly approached the dragons, gingerly mounting their scaly backs. As the dragons took flight, carrying them above the treetops, the alfas couldn't help but marvel at the breathtaking scenery below. The once fearful journey transformed into an exhilarating adventure, with newfound trust blossoming between alfas and omegas, united by the magic of flying dragons.

 The once fearful journey transformed into an exhilarating adventure, with newfound trust blossoming between alfas and omegas, united by the magic of flying dragons

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