Episode 8: Unveiling Tensions

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The morning sun cast a warm glow over the Queen's Castle as Sarawat, Ohm, Gun, Joong, and Pond made their way to the breakfast table. Their anticipation was high, expecting to finally meet their Omega soulmates. However, as they entered the dining hall, they were met with a sight they hadn't anticipated.

Seated at the table were five Omega individuals, each bearing an aura of palpable anger and resentment. The Alfa friends exchanged bewildered glances, realizing that these Omega individuals were meant to be their soulmates.

The tension in the room was thick as the Omega's gazes met those of the Alfas. The atmosphere was heavy with unspoken emotions.


After queen talking with 5 alfa ( sarawat, ohm, gun, joong, pond ) queen went to talk to the soulmates of them ( tine, nanon,cher, dunk and phuwin) they were together because they all are friends and nanon ( ohms soulmate) sharing the news of the alfas arrival, and when queen arrived at there and tried to convince them to at least meet them, they all denied saying they disgust us, " I will never be a slave, submit to any stupid and arrogant alfa we" said tine, " yes they are just after the body , bloody disgusting alfas" said nanon and other also joined and explained their discomfort and denial of meeting them.

End of flashback~

Finally, one of the Omega's, Tine, broke the silence. His voice dripped with disdain as he questioned the Queen, "Why would you plan this, knowing full well that we've already rejected the idea of meeting our soulmates?"

The Queen sighed, her expression a mix of understanding and regret. "My dear, please try to at least give them a chance to prove themselves," she implored, defending the Alfas.

The Omega's, however, were not swayed. Cher, guns's Omega, spoke up with raw emotion, "You tricked us."

Nanon, Ohm's soulmate, nodded in agreement. "They're just after our bodies, disgusting Alfas."

The other Omega's joined in, explaining their discomfort and their vehement denial of meeting the Alfas.

The Alfas sat there, their hearts heavy with the rejection and resentment they faced from their supposed soulmates. They had hoped for a joyful reunion, but instead, they were met with anger and distrust.

As the Omega's left the room, the Queen watched them go with a mix of sympathy and frustration. She then turned her gaze to the five Alfa friends, who looked crestfallen.

It was a moment filled with confusion, heartache, and a stark realization that their journey was far from over. The Alfas now faced the daunting challenge of winning the trust and hearts of the Omega soulmates who had been hurt and disillusioned by the very idea of their fated bonds.

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