Episode 12: The Shadow Duel

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Tine and Cher, with mocking tones and smirks that concealed their true intentions, explained the second test to Sarawat and Gun

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Tine and Cher, with mocking tones and smirks that concealed their true intentions, explained the second test to Sarawat and Gun. "Welcome to the Shadow Duel, dear Alfas. In this challenge, you will face a dark, shadowy doppelgänger of yourselves in a battle of wits and combat. You must confront your inner demons and emerge victorious."

Their words were laced with mockery as they wished the Alfas "all the best" with feigned concern. Tine and Cher clearly relished the discomfort they were causing.

Sarawat, despite the venom in Tine's voice, couldn't help but think how attractive Tine looked

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Sarawat, despite the venom in Tine's voice, couldn't help but think how attractive Tine looked. He composed himself and responded with a flirtatious tone, "Thank you, Tine. I'll do my best to impress you."

Tine, caught off guard by Sarawat's response, blushed furiously, both embarrassed and frustrated with himself.

On the other side, Gun gazed at Cher, who had a seemingly innocent baby face that concealed his devious nature. Gun smiled at Cher, who, in response, simply rolled his eyes.

The Shadow Duel proved to be even more challenging than the Dragon Duel

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The Shadow Duel proved to be even more challenging than the Dragon Duel. The Alfas were pushed to their limits as they battled their dark doppelgangers, facing their inner fears and demons.

With tremendous effort, they eventually emerged victorious, defeating their shadowy counterparts. But the test had left them mentally and physically exhausted, and they couldn't help but wonder what other trials awaited them in the tests set by their Omega soulmates.

Amidst the eerie ambiance of the Shadow Duel, Sarawat, Gun, Joong, Ohm, and Pond faced their dark doppelgangers. The battle was about to begin, a test of wits and combat that would force them to confront their inner demons.

**Sarawat vs. Shadow Sarawat:**

As Sarawat squared off against his shadow self, he felt the weight of his past mistakes and insecurities looming over him. His shadow taunted him with whispers of doubt, trying to undermine his confidence.

Sarawat clenched his fists, determination in his eyes. He knew he had to overcome these doubts. With a swift move, he lunged at his shadow, engaging in a fierce combat of strength and wit.

**Gun vs. Shadow Gun:**

Gun's battle with his shadow was an intense clash of wills. His shadow took on an arrogant and aggressive demeanor, mirroring Gun's own tendencies when he felt threatened.

Gun, however, remained calm and collected. He dodged the shadow's attacks with precision and then struck back with calculated moves. The fight was a mental and physical challenge, but Gun's determination to prove himself to Cher drove him forward.

**Joong vs. Shadow Joong:**

Joong's battle was a dance of agility and cunning. His shadow doppelganger mirrored his every move, trying to anticipate his actions.

Joong, however, used his keen instincts to outwit his shadow. He turned the tables, moving with unpredictable speed and precision. In the end, his sharp mind prevailed over his doppelganger.

**Ohm vs. Shadow Ohm:**

Ohm faced a battle of strength and resilience against his shadow self. His doppelganger taunted him with images of his past failures and regrets.

Ohm, fueled by his love for Nanon and the determination to prove himself, channeled his inner strength. With each blow exchanged, he pushed past his doubts and insecurities. It was a grueling battle, but Ohm's unwavering spirit shone through.

**Pond vs. Shadow Pond:**

Pond's battle was one of survival. His shadow doppelganger was relentless, attacking with ferocity. In the midst of combat, Pond's injury from the Dragon Duel began to take its toll.

Despite the pain, Pond refused to give in. He fought through the agony, pushing himself to the limit. His determination to protect his friends and prove himself to Phuwin fueled his every move.

As the battles raged on, each of the Alfas faced their inner demons head-on. With grit and determination, they conquered their shadows, emerging victorious one by one. The exhausting and emotionally charged battles left them drained, but the sense of accomplishment and the desire to prove their love to their Omega soulmates kept them going.

As the Shadow Duel came to an end, the Alfas were victorious, but they were left utterly exhausted and collapsed on the ground, small injuries visible on their faces and bodies.

The Omega soulmates, witnessing the toll the test had taken on the Alfas, couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern. They cautiously approached their fallen soulmates, their expressions conflicted.

Phuwin was the first to show genuine care. He practically ran to Pond's side, cradling his head in his lap and checking for any injuries. Tine moved to intervene, but before he could, Queen arrived and sternly halted him in his tracks. She was clearly angered by the Omega's initial lack of concern.

"Don't!!! Don't you dare tine!!!! You all are what huh!! , you guys crossed all the limits this is ruthless is this what I taught you!!! You said it is a test, this is what you call test just for the reason being they love you!!

I'm so disappointed in all of you" said queen.

With authority in her voice, Queen scolded the Omega soulmates for their heartless behavior. Shame washed over them as they realized the depth of their indifference towards their injured Alfa counterparts.

Queen, her disappointment evident, ordered the Omega soulmates to take their respective Alfas and care for them until they recovered. Phuwin, still focused on Pond, was not listening to the reprimand. He was filled with regret for having hurt someone he loved.

Queen ruffled Phuwin's hair gently, trying to reassure him. "Pond will be fine, Phuwin. Take good care of him." Phuwin nodded, determined to make amends.

Tine took Sarawat, Cher took Gun, Dunk took Joong, and Nanon took Ohm to their separate houses to treat and care for their injured Alfas. The once-estranged pairs were now united by the shared concern for their soulmates' well-being, and they hoped that this incident would be a turning point in their relationships.

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