Episode 15: Pairs Unite

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Nanon and Cher found Tine in a state of deep distress, blaming himself for Sarawat leaving the town. They sat beside him, offering comfort and support.

Cher spoke gently, "Tine, you can't blame yourself for everything. Sarawat's decision was his own."

Nanon added, "It's not your fault, Tine. We all played a part in those challenges."

Meanwhile, Gun and Ohm, oblivious to Tine's suffering, were scoffing and blaming him.

Gun sneered, "Playing the victim card, Tine? Typical."

Ohm chimed in, "Yeah, blaming us for Sarawat leaving. Pathetic."

Cher, infuriated by their insensitivity, warned, "Watch your words, Gun, Ohm. Tine doesn't need this right now."

Nanon, eyes narrowed, added, "You have no idea what Tine is going through. Don't make it worse."

Ohm retorted, "Why defend him? Sarawat left because of you Omegas."

Gun agreed, "Yeah, you're all responsible for this mess."

Nanon scoffed, "Sarawat left because he's weak. Couldn't handle a few challenges."

Ohm and Gun, angered by Nanon's words, shot back, "Weak? You're the ones who can't even take care of your own Alfas."

Cher, trying to defuse the situation, said, "Enough! This is not helping anyone."

But the argument escalated, with Ohm and Gun accusing the Omegas and Nanon defending their position.

In the midst of the heated exchange, no one noticed Tine's silent suffering. His internal turmoil was overshadowed by the escalating conflict between the Alfas and Omegas.

Nanon, Cher, Ohm, and Gun continued trading harsh words, each defending their stance with growing hostility. The once united group now seemed on the brink of fracture, all while Tine's pain remained unnoticed.

Queen in her palace while going through books she couldn't help but remember the dream that she saw that night she know omegas have to go to the city,  that's the only way to

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Queen in her palace while going through books she couldn't help but remember the dream that she saw that night she know omegas have to go to the city,  that's the only way to..............

Queen stop in midway thinking about the disaster

Queen:  No!!  I will make them go at any cost,  I can't let the world destroy  ,  they WILL GO!!!!
The night hung in an air of uncertainty, and the moonlight spilled into the queen's chamber, casting shadows on her troubled expression. In her restless sleep, a nightmare unfolded—a vision of dark energy consuming the world and claiming innocent lives. The queen awoke with a start, beads of sweat on her forehead, realizing the impending danger that could only be averted by the unity of alfas and omegas.

The following day, a summons echoed through the magical town, calling both alfas and omegas to the queen's castle. An air of anticipation filled the grand hall as the residents gathered, unaware of the queen's haunting vision.

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