Episode 11: The Dragon Duel

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Nanon, with an innocent expression that concealed his true intentions, explained the first test to the Alfas with a mocking tone. "Welcome to the Dragon Duel, dear Alfas. Your task is simple: you must face a fearsome dragon guarding a precious pearl. To complete the first test, you must either defeat the dragon in combat or outsmart it to claim the pearl."

Tine, Dunk, Cher, and Phuwin added fake concern, their words dripping with sarcasm

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Tine, Dunk, Cher, and Phuwin added fake concern, their words dripping with sarcasm. "We hope you're not scared" they chimed in, each with a hint of mockery in their voices.

Ohm, showing fearless determination, stepped forward first. His Omega soulmate, Nanon, gave him a sly smirk. "Do you really think you can defeat me?" Nanon thought, underestimating Ohm's abilities.

Sarawat, Gun, Pond, and Joong offered encouraging words to Ohm as he faced the formidable dragon. With sweat dripping down his brow and every ounce of strength, Ohm managed to outsmart the dragon and claim the precious pearl.

Gun was next, his eyes filled with determination as he confronted the dragon. He knew that this was a test not just of his physical prowess but also his cleverness. With quick thinking, he too managed to outsmart the dragon and secure the pearl.

Sarawat and Joong followed suit, each displaying their own unique strengths and strategies to complete the daunting challenge.

However, it was Pond who faced the greatest challenge of all. As he dueled the dragon, a fierce struggle ensued. He managed to claim the pearl but not without sustaining injuries in the process.

As the Alfas completed the test one by one, the Queen watched with a mix of anger and frustration. It was evident that Phuwin, Cher's mate, had shown no concern for his Omega during the dangerous challenge. The Queen's disapproval was palpable.

Phuwin, however, remained unfazed, wearing a self-satisfied smirk that irked the Alfas and left them wondering about the sincerity of his feelings.

The first test had been a physical and emotional trial for the Alfas, and they couldn't help but wonder what challenges lay ahead in the remaining  tests set by their Omega soulmates.
As the Dragon Duel came to an end, the Omega soulmates left the scene without a word or a trace of concern for the injured Pond. It was a cold departure that left the Alfas feeling both hurt and bewildered.

Sarawat, Gun, Joong, and Ohm helped carry Pond back to the house where they were staying. They were worried about their injured friend and the apparent lack of empathy from their soulmates.

Later in the evening, the Queen, sensing the seriousness of Pond's injuries, sent for the town's skilled doctor. The doctor arrived with a solemn expression, ready to use the healing magic that was known to mend even the gravest wounds.

With the doctor's expertise and the power of magic, Pond's injuries were treated and mended. It was a relief to see him recover, but the emotional wounds from the day's events still weighed heavily on the Alfa friends.

As they gathered around Pond's bedside, they knew that the challenges set by their Omega soulmates were far from over, and their determination to prove their love had only grown stronger. The road ahead was uncertain, but they were willing to face whatever trials came their way in the hope of earning the love and trust of their soulmates.

In the Omega's house,

Nanon's shock and frustration still lingered after the Alfas successfully cleared the first test. He couldn't believe that they had managed to outsmart the dragon.

Cher, however, tried to reassure him with a sly smirk. "Don't worry, Nanon. It's just their luck. They won't make it through the next challenges."

Nanon and Tine, still harboring their resentment towards the Alfas, nodded in agreement. They were determined to make the upcoming challenges a nightmare for the Alfas, ensuring they would regret ever setting foot in their magical village.

But amidst their plotting and disdain, no one noticed that Phuwin's thoughts were elsewhere. His heart was torn between his loyalty to his fellow Omega soulmates and his unspoken concern for Pond, the injured Alfa. He tried to push those feelings away, convincing himself that he hated Pond and felt nothing for him.

With that, the Omega soulmates settled in for the night, unaware of the complex emotions that were stirring within Phuwin, and the challenges that lay ahead for both the Alfas and the Omegas in their quest to redefine their fated bonds.

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