Episode 14: dwaned Feeling

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The next day dawned with a heavy atmosphere in the magical village. The Alfas and Omegas gathered in the grand castle, their expressions a mix of concern and frustration. Phuwin and Ohm were the first to notice Sarawat's absence, and their worried glances quickly turned into direct questions aimed at Tine.

"Ohm, where's Sarawat?" Joong asked, his tone edged with worry.

Nanon, standing beside Ohm, echoed the sentiment. "Yeah, Tine, where is he? We didn't see him this morning."

Tine fidgeted nervously, his fingers entwining and tapping in an anxious rhythm. The other Alfas, sensing Tine's unease, began questioning him in a less-than-polite tone.

Dunk, Nanon, and Cher, who had grown fond of their Omega soulmates, felt a surge of protective anger. Dunk, the doctor among them, spoke up, his voice stern, "Enough! Give Tine a moment to explain."

Nanon, his gaze never leaving Tine, added, " I get it you  all worried about Sarawat, but yelling at Tine won't help."

Cher, standing next to Gun, shot a disapproving look at the other Alfas. "We need to find out what happened calmly."

Before the argument could escalate further, the grand doors of the castle swung open, and Queen entered. Her presence demanded attention, and the room fell silent. She sensed the tension and looked at each of them with a knowing gaze.

"What's going on here?" Queen questioned, her tone authoritative.

Ohm, unable to contain his worry, spoke up. "Queen, where is Sarawat? Tine hasn't told us anything."

Tine's eyes dropped to the floor, unable to meet the gaze of his friends. The other Alfas chimed in with their own concerns and demands for answers.

Queen raised her hand, gesturing for calm. "Everyone, let Tine speak. Patience is key."

Taking a deep breath, Tine began explaining, his voice filled with remorse. "Last night, after everyone fainted, Sarawat woke up and was angry. He accused me of being heartless and selfish. He left, and I didn't stop him."

The room fell silent, the weight of Tine's confession settling over them. Dunk, Nanon, and Cher exchanged glances, understanding the complexity of the situation. Dunk then spoke with a tone that brooked no argument, "Tine, this is not solely your fault. We were all part of those tests. We share the responsibility."

Nanon added, "We need to find Sarawat and make things right."

Cher, standing next to Gun, who seemed particularly upset, stepped forward. "Queen, do you have any idea where Sarawat might have gone?"

Before Queen could respond, Tine's voice trembled as he admitted, "I blame myself for his condition. He was not in any state to leave."

The air grew heavy with guilt and concern. Just as the tension reached its peak, Queen spoke up, "I understand your concerns, Tine. But let me assure you, I took care of Sarawat last night. With the help of magic, I ensured he returned home safely. He's getting the rest he needs."

Tine's eyes widened in a mix of relief and disbelief. "You... you did that?"

Queen nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "Yes, Tine. It's my duty to ensure the well-being of everyone in this village. Sarawat is safe, and he will recover."

The weight that had settled on Tine's shoulders seemed to lift, and he looked at Queen with gratitude. The other Alfas, realizing the truth, felt a mixture of relief and concern for Sarawat.

Queen continued, her gaze encompassing all of them, "But remember, the challenges we face are not only physical but emotional. You must work together to strengthen your bonds and overcome the obstacles that lie ahead."

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