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Abigail woke up with a pounding headache and a sour taste in her mouth. As she slowly sat up in her bed, she couldn't help but groan and rub her temples. Memories of the previous night started flooding back into her mind and she couldn't suppress a smile. She had gotten into Columbia University, her dream school, and had celebrated with Emma.

Abigail heard the sound of music coming from downstairs. She made her way to the kitchen, where Emma was cooking breakfast, wearing one of Abigail's old t-shirts.

After taking some aspirin and a cold shower, Abigail felt slightly better. Abigail heard the sound of music coming from downstairs. She made her way to the kitchen, where Emma was cooking breakfast, wearing one of Abigail's old t-shirts. She found Emma already brewing a pot of coffee and humming along to a tune on the radio. Emma turned around when she heard Abigail enter and flashed her a warm smile.

'Good morning, sleepyhead,' Emma teased as she poured Abigail a cup of coffee.

'Morning, babe, thank you for the coffee,' Abigail replied, as she walked over and wrapped her arms around Emma's waist.

'Hey,' Emma said with a sheepish smile. 'How are you feeling?'

'Not great, but it was totally worth it. I can't believe I got into Columbia!' Abigail replied, rubbing her temples.

Abigail couldn't hold back a small chuckle as she sat down at the kitchen table. Looking around, she noticed the empty bottles and glasses from the previous night and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. They had definitely let loose and celebrated a little too much.

But Emma just shrugged it off and sat down next to her, taking her hand in hers. 'Last night was amazing, Abi. I'm so proud of you for getting into Columbia.'

Abigail felt her cheeks flush with happiness as she leaned in to kiss Emma. It was moments like these that she cherished, being able to openly show her love for the woman she adored.

As they enjoyed their coffee and breakfast, Emma helped Abigail plan for her move to New York City for college. Excitement and nervousness filled Abigail's mind as she thought about starting a new chapter in her life.

'You'll love it in New York,' Emma said. 'There's always something going on, and the energy of the city is infectious.'

'I can't wait to explore and try all the different foods,' Abigail replied. 'I've heard there are so many amazing restaurants.'

'Oh, definitely,' Emma said with a laugh. 'Be prepared to gain the 'freshman fifteen' from all the delicious food options.'

Abigail laughed along with her. 'I'll make sure to balance it out with some regular exercise.'

'Smart thinking,' Emma said approvingly. 'And don't forget to take advantage of all the cultural opportunities the city has to offer. Museums, concerts, Broadway shows – the list goes on and on.'

Abigail nodded, her mind already buzzing with ideas. 'I'll definitely make time for all of that. And I'm really looking forward to meeting new people and making new friends.'

'You'll have no problem with that,' Emma reassured her. 'Just be open to new experiences and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. That's how you'll have the most fun.'

Abigail smiled, feeling grateful for Emma's advice. 'Thanks, Emma'

'I'll miss you when you're gone, but I know you'll do amazing things in New York.' Emma replied.

Abigail hugged her tightly. 'I'll never forget this special breakfast and all your support. I can't wait to make you proud.'

'You already have,' Emma said, returning the hug.

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