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Emma POV

Emma woke up next to Abigail with a big smile on her face. She took in a deep breath, relishing in the comfort and safety of the moment. Abigail had told her she loved her. It was an incredible feeling, one that Emma had never experienced before. She felt an overwhelming sense of peace, something she hadn't felt in a very long time. All she wanted was to spend time with Abigail and ensure she was happy and safe.

But this relationship was not without its challenges. She knew they had to keep the relationship a secret whose consequences could be dire if it were ever revealed. They both knew that if their coworkers, family and friends ever found out about their relationship, not only would Emma risk losing her job, but Emma would come under a great deal of abuse and discrimination.

But even in the face of potential danger, Emma wanted to be with Abigail, to express her love for her and to keep her safe. She wanted to keep Abigail happy and enjoy the moments together.

Although the odds were against them, Emma was determined to make their relationship work and keep the relationship a secret until they were sure it was safe to come forward. Deep down she knew that no matter what happened, the time spent with Abigail would be worth the risk, and that she would never regret a single moment. She knew that she and Abigail were meant to be together and was determined to make it happen no matter the consequences.

Suddenly, Emma had an idea. She was going to ask Abigail to officially be her girlfriend. Emma's heart raced as she got dressed quietly. She wanted to do something special, something Abigail would never forget. She grabbed her bag and made her way to the pool and began to plan a special surprise for her. From the flowers she was going to pick out in the garden, to the view she wanted to watch as they enjoyed a romantic lunch by the pool.

Later that day, Emma set off carrying a beautiful bouquet of roses. A smile kept tugging on her lips as her heart began to race until she finally turned the corner to the pool side. Emma arranged all the supplies she needed to make her perfect scene. She slowly created a path of flowers that led to the chairs by the pool, where she decorated two chairs with pillows and blankets. She placed the roses by the chairs and began to prepare the lunch spread she had bought earlier.

When she was done, Emma realized what she had created- a makeshift picnic in a romantic setting. She smiled to herself, suddenly feeling a mix of butterflies and excitement. Taking another deep breath, she tiptoed back to the bedroom to wake Abigail.

When Abigail appeared, blinking drowsily in the early morning light, Emma took her hand and led her to the pool, where the picnic was waiting. Abigail gasped in surprise, looking at Emma with wide eyes.

Then, Emma stepped forward and took both of Abigail's hands in hers. She smiled, suddenly feeling overcome with emotion.

"Abigail, ever since I met you, I have been the happiest girl in the world. I want to enjoy every moment we have together and I can't take this feeling away from us.' Emma looked into Abigail's eyes and spoke softly, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Abigail barely had a second to respond before their lips met in each other's embrace. With hands intertwined, they shared a long kiss that felt like it was sealed with love and the promise of forever.

Emma broke the kiss and continued. 'I know that our relationship will have to remain a secret until after we both graduate. But I wanted you to know that I wanted you to be mine.'

Abigail smiled, a look of pure happiness spreading across her face. 'Yes,' she said, taking Emma's hand in hers. 'I would love to be your girlfriend.'

They hugged, and Emma realized she had made the right decision. Even though they had to keep their relationship a secret, Emma was determined to make Abigail know how special she was. From today onwards, Abigail was officially hers.

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