Ethan looked at him for a moment, but followed him to the elevator. Once inside, John turned to him and Ethan shook his head.

"I know what you're going to say,"

"That's good, so I'll give you the short version. You're going back to work, and me and the team will take this from here."

"You can't shut me out of this. This is my wife!"

"That's just it, Ethan, it's not. This isn't Laurel. This is a woman who is hurting a lot of people and it's our job to stop her, and we can't do that if you're getting in the way."

"You haven't realized it yet, have you?" Ethan scoffed. "I'm the only one who can and has gotten close to her. She has said more non threatening words to me than any of you. I'm not the one in your way. Your inability to see beyond the breadcrumbs placed in front of you is your problem." the elevator doors open and Ethan walked out, taking a few steps before stopping and turning back to John. "She told me that I wouldn't get my wife back and that I should just accept that she was as close as I was going to get."

"She said that?" John asked and Ethan nods.

"It was a lie. If she wants me to stop trying to figure out how to get Laurel back, then I have to believe that there is. And I think once I do, once I get Laurel back, and send Black Siren back to wherever she came from—that's her real fear." Ethan turned away in thought. "I need to talk to Kit."


"You don't want me here to help, fine. But sooner or later, you're going to realize you will need me, if you want to get close to her. You just better hope it's not too late." Ethan pulled his phone out of his pocket and sighed at the sight of the hospital number. "I have to get to work." he turned to John with one final look before turning and walking away.

John took out his phone and dialed Felicity's number hoping something to go his way tonight.

Oliver stepped out of the shower into the bedroom to find it empty. He let out a sigh as he walked over to his drawer to grab a pair of pajama pants and a tshirt. Once dressed, he stepped out into the quiet hall. He peeked inside of Robyn's room, glad she was still sleeping. He headed to Will's room, peeking inside to find Will asleep in bed, and Damian asleep in the sleeping bag on the floor.

After dinner, some how the boy convinced Oliver to spar with him. Oliver was hesitant, but he gave in, and it was surprising. Damian was a good fighter, quick, but he got distracted easily.

Oliver pulled the door closed, and then headed over to check in on Ari. He knocked and after a couple of seconds the door opened. He frowned when he looked over the girl who seemed as if she were about to leave.

"I was just about to come find you." Ari turned grabbing her jacket and bag. "My curfew is still midnight on Fridays, right?" she turned back to Oliver who didn't say anything. "Right?"

"Where are you going at 9'o clock?" Oliver asked.

"There's this movie that just came out, and Jamie's mom says he can go and I was going to meet him there." Ari smiled as she moved around him into the hall. "So midnight is a go?"

Oliver shook his head as he stepped back into the hall.

"No, and will you stop walking." Oliver walked over to her. "Which theater, and what time does the movie start?"

"We were going to theater at the mall, it starts in like forty five minutes so we were going to grab ice cream before. Any more questions?"

"I'm the one who can approve this sudden movie trip, so I'd lose the attitude." Oliver folded his arms over his chest and sighed. This is the part of being a parent to a teen he didn't like. He knew Ari was a good kid, but even good kids do stupid things.

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