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[ Author pov]

Mrs nam:'Yah! Is the food ready or not? I am starving'

Y/n took two plates of cooked food and placed it in the living room table. Mrs Nam started eating while Mr nam threw a alcohol bottle near her feet making it Peirce into her skin.

Mr nam:' Bring me another bottle'

Y/n quietly walked back with a new alcohol bottle and a broom to clean the glass. She kept the bottle on the table and started cleaning the glass pieces. After cleaning, she went straight to her room and cleaned the new wounds on her foot which will later be a problem while working.

After she applied oilment on her foot, she grabbed her school bag and walked downstairs. As she was about to walk out of the door, her foster mother called her.

Mrs nam:' Did you make lunch?' She asked looking at the tv

With a blank face, y/n turned towards her.

Y/n:' Yes i did, Mrs nam' The lady just nod

She walked towards her school which is 20 minutes away by walk. She can also go by bus but her foster parents warned her not to spend money for herself. So she has no other option than walking to school.

After 20 minutes, she reached her school. She went towards her class and sat at the back bench which was her seat. She plugged her earphones to avoid listening to the class chatters. She is an introvert and don't have friends at all. She succeeded in staying invisible to most of the students cause according to her, no one can tolerate her except one person who is an exception. Soon, the teacher greeted the students which made her pull out the earphones out of her ears.

[Time skip]

Y/n walked towards a cafe near the school where she works as a part timer waiter. She entered the cafe from the back door and quickly changed into her work clothes. She was greeted by her coworkers to which she responded with a nod. She started taking the orders of the customers and started serving their drinks. Her job is to serve them drinks and clean the table after they left. She took the tips which some customer leave for the waiter.

By accident, a customer spilled hot coffee on y/n which burned y/n's arm. The customer started panicking and apologizing.

Customer:' I am sorry, i didn't see you. I am so sorry'

She said wiping y/n's arms with her handkerchief. Y/n removed her sleeve and saw her skin became red due to the hot spill. The customer and the coworker gasp seeing her burn wound.

Y/n:' It's okay mam. I will manage! Thank you for your concern'

She bowed towards the customer and walked to the restroom reserved for staffs only. She was washing her burned arm with cold water when one of her coworker entered the restroom.

Coworker:' are you okay?'

Y/n:' Yeah' she said with blank face without a hint of pain

Coworker:' Here! The customer felt bad and gave you tips'

She said keeping some cash and oilment cream for her wound. She sighed and applied the oilment on her arm.

[Time skip]

She stepped into the convience store which is her second part time job till 11'o clock at night. Her coworker whose shift just finished told her about the new load of goods delivered which has to be entered in the books. She nodded and started checking the load of goods.

After checking the goods, she went to arrange the food items in every shelf. When she came to the packed food shelf. She took the expired food items in a basket and went to the cash counter. She stuffed the expired food items in her bag which will be her dinner tonight or tomorrow. She sighed and took her books from her bag to finish her homework.

This is her life everyday, the money she earn from both the part time job has to be given to her foster parents. She doesn't keep any money for herself except the tips which she receive from her part time job.

Will her miserable life get any better or will she continue to live like this?

To be continued.....

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