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[Y/n pov]

I was working in the supermarket and just waiting till my shift to get over so I could close the store and go home. After ten minutes, i removed the store apron and took my belongings. I closed the store and walked towards home which is 10 minutes away. As I was passing through a alley, I heard some noises nearby. I am not a hero type but desperate to witness a gang fight. That's kind of foolish act but who cares. But to my disappointment, two street Thieves were beating a man. Tsk!Today is not my lucky day I guess. I feel bad for the man getting beaten up but I can't leave the man, neither can I interfere cause i already have enough bruises on my body. I don't want more.

I took my phone and played a police siren on YouTube. The two guys ran away in fear.

Y/n:' Huh! Cowards!' I said and walked towards the man who layed like a dead body

Is he dead? Then i heard a groan escape his mouth. I patted his body with my leg.

Y/n:' Ahjussi! Are you dead?'

???:' Do I look like dead to you?'

Y/n:' Earlier yes, now no'

???:' why are you here little girl? Go home, it's dangerous'

Y/n:' This little girl saved you earlier remember, and it's dangerous for you. Not for me'

???:' Go before they come back girl'

I think i should probably go home or who knows they might come back again. I shook my head and started walking away but something is stopping me. He needs my help and I can't abandon him.

What's wrong with me? I don't want to regret this later. I sighed and walked towards him.

Y/n:' Put your hand on my shoulder and get up'

???:' I took you-'

Y/n:' Shut up Oldman and do what I say'

He lifted his hand and rested it on my shoulder. I supported him while slowing lifting his body. Oh my god! Is he a bear? Why the heck is he so heavy.

Y/n:' What do you eat Ahjussi? You are so heavy'

???:' Why are you helping me if I am that heavy?;

Y/n:' I c-cant ab-bandon yo-u' I said breathing heavily

Not When I know the feeling of abandonment.

After 2 minutes of struggling to carry this old man, we reached the supermarket I work in. I lead him to the back side of the store and slowly made him sit.

Y/n:' W-wait he-re' I ran and opened the back door

I started collecting the material in the store room and came back.

Y/n:' Unbuttoned your shirts

???:' Yah! You pervert! How can you take advantage of an young man'

Is he serious? Did they kick his head so hard that his brain flew away?

Y/n:' if it was young man, then I would have taken advantage but unfortunately it's a grandpa. Open your shirt so that I can treat your wounds.

He shot a annoying look and unbuttoned his shirt revealing a knife stab on his left lower stomach. I tried to stop the blood with the cotton. After some time, his wound stopped bleeding. I took the cotton bandage and started wrapping around his waist. I signed and finally noticed his face and appearance.

He was rich man in his 50s and looked very masculine. Eventhough he looked a little old, he was handsome.

???:' You look like a little girl but you do know about these things'

He said pointing towards the bandage on his waist,

Y/n:' Experience'

I said and started treating the wound on his forehead. He kept staring at me while I applied oilment on his forehead. What the heck is he staring at my face in the dark? He definitely is a creepy old man. I kept the medicine aside and sat beside him. I took my phone and handed it to him.

Y/n:' Call someone to come and take you'

He grabbed the phone from my hand and started dialling someone's number. I removed the hood off my head and relaxed closing my eyes. I heard him telling someone to pick him up. He soon hang up.

Y/n:' You didn't tell the address'

???:' They will come'

I turned my face towards him and grabbed my phone back. I don't know what happened to him but froze after seeing my face. Till now he probably didn't see my face as I was wearing a hood but now he can clearly see.

Am I looking that terrifying and ugly? Why is he looking like he is seeing a ghost? I awkwardly tried to fix my hair but stopped when he uttered something.

???:' yeona!'

Yeona? Who is she? Maybe his ex-girlfriend, who knows?

Y/n:' Ahjussi, I think you are mistaken'

???:' YEONA!' he yelled making me flinch

He vigorously tried standing up making me panic.

Y/n:' Ahjussi, stop moving around' I tried to hold him in his place

He ignored my words and continued

Y/n:' AHJUSSI!' i shouted making him snap out of his thoughts

Y/n:' Stop moving or you will start bleeding '

He slowly regained his calmness and tried to relax

Y/n:' I am not yeona like you are assuming'

???:' I know. You look like her'

Is she someone important? I think so cause he nearly went berserk after seeing me.


Finally he broke the silence

???:' You shouldn't trust someone blindly like this. What if I am a bad guy or something'

Y/n:' In that case, you are the one in disadvantage' i replied calmly

???:' How?'

Y/n:' if you try something, it only takes few seconds for me to hit a strike on your wounds, then you will automatically start donating blood on your own'

He chuckled hearing my words

???:' Are you not afraid of death'

Y/n:' Am i?'

I asked and stared deep into his eyes which remained calm with no hint of fear. This Oldman is too comfortable with a stranger.

???:' Why?' he whispered

Y/n:' humans ain't afraid of death. They are just afraid of losing something precious to them.They never fear death, instead a lose of something close to their heart. And meanwhile me, I don't have anything like that'

To be continued

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