Pretend We're Just Friends (Part 3/3)

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Yellow had barely a few seconds to count, but he assumed there were about 10 or 11 of them. As they rolled around, letting out soft peeping and squeaking murmurs, Cyan instantly softened up.

Yellow stepped over all of the little creatures, trying not to trip over any of them, which was hard considering they kept rolling all around under his feet. He eventually made it over to Blue, who was watching with interest.

"They seem to like Cyan a lot." Blue said, watching as she cuddled them and tried to name them all without losing track of them.

"But what are they, Blue? What are they doing here?" Yellow said, praying to whatever might listen that he wouldn't have to babysit all 10 of them.

To his absolute and utter dismay, that was exactly what Blue said next, "They're Lookies. Red made them. We thought you guys could keep them here for a little bit until we find a place to put them back at the Playplace."

Of all the days to keep calling it, it had to be today, huh?

Yellow sputtered in shock for a moment, trying to wrap his head around it. "All 10?! Blue, they're rolling everywhere! Couldn't you guys take care of them at the Playplace?! There are five of you, only two of us!"

Blue looked down at Yellow through his one eye, "Out of us five, one is blind, one is busy trying to find a place to put them, one is no bigger than a Lookie themself, and the other won't even leave the vents." He said, crossing his arms.

Yellow huffed in annoyance. While he was a little annoyed at the sudden responsibility thrust onto his shoulders, he supposed that Cyan did seem quite happy, and maybe it wouldn't be that bad after all...

He still wished that he had more time alone with Cyan. He sighed in resignation. "Fine, we'll take care of them, but please, hurry up, I don't know how long we can do this for." Blue nodded, seeming to understand.

"Well, I had better get going now then. Also Red put your little bug thing in the box too." He said, then turned around to walk out. "Good luck!" Was the last thing he said before he left.

Yellow took a moment to watch Cyan trying to keep all of the Lookies in one spot, before walking over.

Before he did anything else, he opened the lid to the crate, and sure enough, the little ladybug was there, perched on top of the rest of the supplies that were in the crate. He put out his wing, and the bug crawled onto it.

Honestly, Yellow was surprised that the insect hadn't just flown away while they were gone. He shrugged and put it down on top of the crate. He turned back towards Cyan, picking up a Lookie.

The Lookie didn't struggle as he grasped it tightly, only looked around, still murmuring cutely.

Yellow ignored its half-hearted protests as he walked over to Cyan, still trying to avoid tripping on the sphere-shaped monsters. Cyan was still trying to keep them all in one place, but they kept rolling around, seeming oblivious to either monster's attempts to keep them still.

"We need to find a place to put them." Yellow said, "Blue wants us to babysit them for a while."

Yellow thought that Cyan would be annoyed at the sudden responsibility just like him, she actually seemed happy as she tried to gently herd them back over with her big tail.

"Really?!" She gasped excitedly, "We get to spend more time with them?" She managed to get a good four of them staying still, before spotting another one trying to roll away.

"Yeah." Yellow said flatly. He had been certain that nothing could interrupt his and Cyan's time together, alone. Now they would have to be parents to these living bowling balls for who knows how long.

While Yellow seemed to have absolutely no parenting instincts, he did recall how Cyan always felt drawn to smaller critters, not as a predator stalks their prey, but as a mother tries to care for her young.

Maybe it was because she was female. Whatever it was, Yellow was glad to have her be the one helping him out with this particular task.

"Maybe we can find some sort of container..." He said, looking around, hoping to find one, but Cyan shook her head.

"No Yellow. They trusted us to care for the Lookies, and that's what we're going to do. We're not just going to stuff them away in a corner." She said, losing another Lookie as she tried to grab the one that was rolling away.

Yellow groaned. This was going to be a very long day.


I feel like we've skipped a few steps here.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyways, that is a wrap for this chapter. Next chapter, we'll see what's up at the Playplace, and see what sort of things they're getting up to over there.

To Hide a Divide (Part 1/4)

+ ((( Rainbow in the Dark ))) +Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt