Forever Could be Better (Part 4/5)

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I could've sworn I only posted my last chapter yesterday...but apparently it's been three days, so here's a chapter!


(Just forget about the cover for now, I'll let you know when it exists)


No longer can they hide or evade,

The consequences of the path they made.

For actions once buried now bare their teeth,

Demanding a reckoning, a soul to bequeath.


Warning:  🔺Sensitive theme🔺and mild violence, mild swearing too (but it's like one word so it barely counts-)

Orange walked into the room after Cyan had called him in. He had to admit that he was indeed scared. Red had been giving him weird looks ever since he told his story after the incident at the Playplace.

As he stepped inside, Red was already waiting for him. Orange gulped, fearing the worst.

"Hi...Red." Orange said, trying to sound casual. He didn't step towards the scientist, but stayed right next to the door.

Red noticed, and motioned for Orange to come closer with his hand. Orange hesitated, then slowly stepped up to Red until he was standing in front of him.

Then, suddenly, his vision went white for a second, followed by a flash of pain.

When his vision cleared, he was on the ground. He gasped in pain as he felt a dull ache wash over the side of his face. He looked up, realization dawning on his face.

"Did you just slap me?" Orange growled, feeling anger well up inside him, causing him to temporarily forget his fear of the humanoid monster.

Red looked down at Orange, no remorse present in his expression.

"You...fool." Red said, his voice was cold like ice.

Orange's anger vanished as it was instead replaced by confusion. "Wha-?" He began, but Red cut him off.

"You aren't supposed to control that form, you're supposed to do your job with it." Red said, watching as Orange slowly stood up, holding the side of his face.

Orange stepped backwards. Now he understood why he was here. He was in trouble. He had known this was going to happen. Good thing he was prepared for it.

"I don't want to hurt my friends." He said, and this time, he managed to make his voice sound more confident.

Red watched him carefully, and when he spoke again, it was more quiet and controlled. "What did you see?" He asked, clenching his fists.

"What did I see?" Orange repeated aloud, confused.

"What did you see at the Playplace? Don't make me repeat it again." Red said, and Orange paused for a moment, mentally preparing himself for what he was about to say.

"I saw all of the blocks. The humans were collecting them. You know something about that, don't you?" He said accusingly, intending to find out as many answers as he could while he had the opportunity, even if it made things worse for him in the future.

Orange saw Red narrow his eyes, and knew he was onto something. He decided to keep going, to see if he could get Red to crack, if even for just a second.

"The humans are being forced to collect them, aren't they? Is it you? Are you doing this?" He said, daring to step back towards Red in an attempt to show that he wasn't scared of the scientist.

Red didn't move for a couple long moments. Orange continued to stare him down, waiting for an answer. He wanted to know the truth, he wanted to know if he was somehow still committing the same crimes that he had that one fateful day.

He wanted to know if it was all Red's fault. He wanted to make him pay if it was. He didn't want to be a killer anymore.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity. Red spoke again.

"You remember too much. You weren't supposed to remember anything." He said. It wasn't a direct response to the question, but Orange read in between the lines well enough to know what he was saying.

"I remember it all. I remember the day when we ruined everything. I know you remember it too." Orange said, trying to push Red into saying what he wanted to hear.

When he didn't, Orange decided to go for a different approach. "Why? Why would you do this to innocent children? Just like the ones we used to play with? What's wrong with you?" Orange said, lashing his tail back and forth.

"Just like the ones you used to play with. I don't give a shit about them. I never did." Red said. Orange felt a rush of anger.

He really was heartless. Orange knew that he couldn't let Red get away with this. Not now that he knew the truth. He couldn't let anyone else die.

He could make things right, fix his mistakes. It wasn't too late, right?

But he couldn't tell the others. What could he possibly do? He growled to himself, frustrated that he was truly alone in this, that even Red, the only other one who remembered, didn't even feel an ounce of guilt for what he had done.

As far as Orange knew, Red could be doing this all for fun. He could be the one who started it in the first place.

"Was it you?!" Orange barked, not caring if he ended up alerting the others with the noise he was making. "Did you do this to us? Did you make us kill our family?"

Red chuckled darkly as Orange said that. It was a different reaction than he had been expecting, and it was somehow worse than Red trying to hurt him again.

"They were not our family. We are family Orange. We owe them nothing." Red scowled.

Orange swore under his breath as Red pulled out a syringe from the pocket of his lab coat. The liquid inside was clear, but Orange could still easily tell it was there.

Orange whipped around and tried to dash for the door, but wasn't quick enough.

He felt something thin stab into the base of his tail, and as he sunk to the ground, he could see the darkness closing in around him.

He tried to stand up, call for help, anything, but his body didn't listen to him.

As his consciousness slowly slipped away, he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to ignore the quiet but maniacal laughter that seemed to echo around him.


And...there you have it. It's not super long this time, but there's still so much that could happen!

Stay tuned and have a good day/night!

Next Chapter: Forever Could be Better (Part 5/5)

+ ((( Rainbow in the Dark ))) +Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin