An Odd Bond (Part 1/4)

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*Bursts through the door*

Sorry I'm late for the party.


What do you mean, "no party"?

Well then fine. I'll make it a party.

(In other words. Sorry I'm late but I have the chapter take it and enjoy-)


//CHAPTER 11.1


Their steps quicken, eyes scanning,

Heart heavy with fear and hope.

Lost in the maze of uncertainty,

Yearning for a familiar face.


Yay no warnings....yet. :D

Oh wait. Yes one swear word.

As Orange neared Odd World once again, he looked up at the bright lights flashing across the dark sky. The first time he had snuck into the park, it was almost eerily quiet.

This time, Orange could hear loud thumping and occasional screams.

This time, Orange wasted no time in scrambling over the fence, desperate to reach the other side before it was too late.

He let out a low hiss as the sharp wire scratched his skin, drawing blood, but ignored it as he dropped down on the other side.

Orange glanced around frantically, and realized that he was in some sort of back room. There were piles of trash and other various pieces of junk.

He ignored it all and opened the door in front of him, revealing a room that was filled with various ramps and walls. Orange didn't bother to check any of them as he headed straight for the doors at the end of the room.

He half-expected the doors to be locked, and was mildly surprised as they opened before he could even reach them, but didn't think much about it.

On the other side of the doors was the park. As Orange looked around, he saw that all of the attractions were lit up. He wondered if that was on purpose as he scanned the clearing, searching for any of the humans.

As Orange looked around, he noticed that small circular pen that was on a platform right in front of him. He squinted his eyes.

It looked oddly similar to the platform that held all of the collected blocks in the playplace.

Orange walked up to it, and noticed that something was inside of the pen as well. He hopped onto the platform and glanced down at the small thing.

It was...a blue ball?

Just as Orange was about to reach out and pick it up out of curiosity and confusion, and whipped around, revealing big, familiar googly eyes.

Oh right. A Lookie. It was a Lookie.

Orange stared down at it, curious as to why it was sitting alone in a pen. Last time Orange checked, there had been at least eight of them.

Then something moved in the corner of his vision, and he turned to see another Lookie rolling around. It bumped into a wall, which caused it to bounce back like a rubber ball.

Orange cringed as he saw that it had bumped into the wall eyes first. He briefly wondered if that would cause any sort of damage to the poor thing, but it continued to roll around, as oblivious and annoying as ever.

As Orange stood at the edge of the pen, he began to realize that the Lookies were supposed to be in the pen.

They were supposed to be collected by the humans for another one of those stupid games, weren't they?

"That asshole," Orange growled to himself, stroking the Lookie in the pen, watching as it began to purr under his touch, "Thinks he can just use you guys as toys for one of his sick little challenges."

The Lookie continued to purr, looking up at him. It was clear that it didn't understand a word he said, which was one of the many mysterious things about the small creature.

"I wish I could help you too." Orange muttered regretfully. "You don't deserve this. You don't even know what's going on." 

After another moment, Orange hopped down from the platform, ready to go and find that one human. He would help them find the Lookies. But he would still have to be very careful, as Cyan and Yellow would still be around.

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud thumping coming from behind the big mountainous rock by the bridge.

Orange quickly darted towards a small hole in the ground, praying that the approaching Rainbow Friend, which he assumed was Cyan, wouldn't find him.

As he descended down the ladder, he glanced up through the small opening. He almost lost his footing on the ladder as he realized that it actually wasn't Cyan that had passed right over him.

It was Blue, who had the same crown, drool, and same grinning smile. Orange couldn't believe it. Blue was supposed to be back at the Playplace.

Why was he here?

Unless...he was helping out. Was everyone here at OddWorld?

Perhaps the more pressing question was why no one told him. Were they planning to leave him behind at the Playplace after all?

While Orange was grateful that they were all too busy to notice his absence, he couldn't help but feel a little hurt, even after everything that had happened.

Was Green here? Purple?

Orange growled to himself as he realized that this may be harder than he had originally planned. He thought that it would just be Cyan and Yellow at OddWorld, but now it seemed like he would have to avoid all of them.

Just great.

He sighed to himself. There was no point in standing around worrying about it now. He wanted to help out that human, and he knew he should start looking for those Lookies.

With a sigh, he quickly composed himself and prepared to leave the safe confines of the dark room.

Orange really hoped that he could get away with this without anyone finding out. Otherwise...he might have a worse fate than a simple electric collar around his neck.


Yes. I know, it's short. BUT. It's a necessary chapter. 

So um....feel free to complain lol.

But I do hope that you enjoyed this one chapter, I'll see you next time, and may you have a good day/night!

Next Chapter: An Odd Bond (Part 2/4)

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