The Night Looks Brighter (Part 1/6)

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Hello again! I come with another chapter. Yay.

Well...there's nothing else to say this time, so enjoy!




Tossing and turning, caught in a cycle of worry,

Aching to reach out, to offer comfort,

But all you can do is lie here, restless,

Hoping they can find rest in their own time.


Blue wandered the halls alone. He wasn't thinking about anything in particular. He was simply walking.

Some nights, Blue couldn't sleep. There wasn't a particular reason, he just simply couldn't close his eyes sometimes. It wasn't something that seemed to ever be a problem, because he had plenty of time to sleep it off later if he suddenly felt drowsy from his lack of sleep.

It was in the middle of the night, and everyone else was asleep. At least, Blue knew that almost everyone was asleep. Whenever Blue had been lying awake, waiting for sleep to come, he always heard sounds in the distance.

And he knew exactly what sounds they were, they were coming from Red's lab. Blue knew that the scientist had been working on making a secure place to keep the Lookies, and he wondered if it had been finished.

He walked over to the entrance to Red's lab and lightly rapped on the door. Last time, it had been a good few minutes before Red had opened up, but this time, it was only a few seconds.

It sounded like there were various machines running at the moment, but the loud clanging that had been ringing paused for a second before Red appeared at the door.

"What?" Was all he said, looking up at Blue. Blue rarely ever mentioned it, but he often found it funny how short the scientist was compared to him.

"Hey. You ever going to sleep? It's been three days since all that racket started, so I'm guessing it's also been three days since you got any sleep." Blue said. Sometimes there was simply no point in trying to make small talk with Red.

"Well I should be asking you the same thing." Red answered, ignoring Blue's question.

"I can't." He responded. Red sighed and motioned for him to enter, and Blue obliged, glancing around.

"Blue, just tell me why you're really here." Red said, pulling a lever on a machine, which caused it to stop rumbling and fall silent.

Blue rolled his eye. It was almost annoying how little tolerance Red had for talking to people.

 "Fine. Green was thinking about his blindness again today..." He started, and he heard Red mutter something sarcastic under his breath.

Blue continued, ignoring the comment. "And I was wondering if you were ever able to get the glasses to work. I know that you're...busy at the moment, but this is important to him, and I just want confirmation that it's at least possible."

Red started rummaging around in one of his cabinets, "Well, Blue. You're in luck, because I did just finish a containment unit for the Lookies. I haven't forgotten about Green. It's been taking some time, but I think I may have figured something out."

Blue curiously glanced over at Red, "Wait, you mean you can bring back his sight?" He asked, surprised. He had honestly expected that Red wouldn't be able to figure it out.

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