Idia appeared stunned by this thought. "There's... not?"

I nodded, smiling slightly. "And you better change or you'll have a problem with me."

"And if you have a problem with her, then you have a problem with me," Floyd said, sling an arm around my shoulder.

Idia winced. "Okay, okay. I get it. We'll talk."

"Anyway," said Vil, "the point is, you have plenty of work left to do on campus. And I expect you to face up to all of it and not run away."

"We'll be waiting for you!" I said.

Idia groaned. "Ugh, okay. Fine. ...See you at school."

We all got into the chariot and took off. Soon, we emerged from the ocean and could see the sun. I felt a sense of relief fill me. "Ahh, behold the beauty of dawn's light," said Rook. "The morning sun pierces the darkness. It feel truly divine."

"You are right," said Vil. "How beautiful..." Then he started to sob, shocking everyone.

"Are you alright?" I asked tentatively.

"No, I'm not alright! I'm only 18, yet here I am, wizened old grandpa... What am I supposed to do? I can't get cast as teenagers or young men now! I'd hoped I'd get to play middle-aged roles like dads at some point too. And yet... And yet... IT'S NOT FAAAIR!"

"Yeesh, blow my ears out, why don'tcha," Grim grumbled.

"What happened to all that talk about bein' the fairest one of all?" said Leona.

"I was CLEARLY posturing to keep things under control!" Vil exclaimed. "WAAAH!"

"So, you ad-libbed that whole speech?" said Azul. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised."

"What incredible mental fortitude..." I murmured.

"My dear Roi du Poison," said Rook, "your tears are truly heartrending. Even on the off chance you never regain your youth, you are without question the fairest one of all."

"I know," said Vil. "But that's not the point!" He continued to sob loudly.

"Floor it, Captain!" said Epel. "Please just get us back to school!"


"Aw, shut up!" Floyd growled. "Or I'm gonna-"

While some of the others looked at him in concern, I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought his head to my chest. "It's alright, Floyd," I said in a soothing manner while I gently caressed his hair to calm him. "Just focus on me."

Floyd's body was tense, but after a moment, he spoke reluctantly, "...Fine." He slipped his arms around me and held me tightly.

I noticed everyone's looks of concern turned to shock. "What?"

"They are surprised you are able to keep Floyd under control," said Azul, who sat on my other side.

"I'm not controlling him. I understand where his behavior is coming from and am offering him an alternative outlet." I shrugged. "It's not that hard."

"Only you would say that," Jamil said flatly.

"I am impressed," Riddle said. "You two get along remarkably well."

I brightened at the comment. "So, you take back what you said about me needing to stay away from him?"

Riddle smile. "I will admit I was wrong. I can see I have nothing to worry about."

I smiled at him in return, feeling happy about his acceptance. "Thanks. I'm not in any danger."

"Yes, Floyd does seem to be rather loyal once he gets attached." Riddle appeared thoughtful. "Comparatively, Jade might be the one to watch out for."

Waves of Destiny (Twisted Wonderland)Where stories live. Discover now