Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"All right, where's this guy who hurt his ankle?" Grim said after barging into the infirmary.

"Huh?" said a Heartslabyul student, sitting in a bed.

"Hey, it's the ones from Ramshackle House!" said the boy standing beside him. "They were at the unbirthday party! What are you guys doing here?"

"Stairway patrol, we'll ask the questions," I said, strolling up to the students. I did always love my crime shows back home.

"Uh, that's kind of a weird job, but okay," said the second boy.

"I don't really know what happened myself," said the injured student. "I was walking along, talking to my friend. And next thing I knew, BOOM! I was tumbling down the stairs."

"Yeah. I didn't even see him stumbling or anything."

"It was like my body just lurched forward by itself. I can't really explain it."

"Hm. Hmmm. Interesting," said Grim. "Veeery interesting."

"Thank you for your cooperation," I said. We headed out to find the next victim. We entered a classroom to seek out the student Crowley described to us.

Grim pointed at the boy. "Hey, you. You had an accident and almost got hurt real bad, right? Give us the deets."

"And why should I answer to you, exactly?" he said.

"He was in peak condition for the Spelldrive tournament and got hurt so bad that he can't even play now!" said his friend.

"And you're here to...what, rub salt in my wound? We throw down the gauntlet! Duel us!"

I sighed. Seriously? Dueling was against the rules, but it looked like we had no choice, seeing as how Grim already launched into battle. I quickly analyzed the situation and directed him in his fireball strikes. Somehow, we managed to hold our own.

"Hmph... You're better than I thought," said the injured student. "All right, then. I'll give you the skinny."

"It happened in the laboratory," said his friend. "We were boiling up a potion when his hands suddenly shot out and grabbed the screaming hot cauldron. He dumped out every last drop. It was bizarre! Made a real mess too."

"Oh, so YOU'RE gonna do all the talking?!"

"Hm. Hmmm. Interesting," said Grim. "Veeery interesting."

"Hope you feel better soon," I said. We head back to Ramshackle Dorm to go over everything we had learned.

Grim stood on the couch and crossed his arms. "I dunno, this just looks like a bunch of absent-minded kids hurtin' themselves to me. If there's a scandal here. I ain't seein' it!" There was a knock on the door. "Huh? Whozzat?"

I opened the door and Ace stepped in. "Afternoon," he said. "Guess you're feeling better now, huh, Grim?"

"Oh, it's you. We're kinda busy right now. No time for kid stuff. Scram."

Ace blinked. "Busy? What, you got a lot of homework?"

"You might want to sit down..." I said. We walked to the couch and sat on each side of Grim. I gave him a brief synopsis of the current situation.

"Injuries from suspicious accidents, huh?"

"But nothin' we heard sounded all that suspicious," said Grim. "It seemed like they were all just excited about the tournament, got distracted, and hurt themselves somehow."

Suddenly, Deuce barged into the dorm, exclaiming, "Ace! We got a big problem!"

"How did you know he was here?" I asked.

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