Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

"Wait, hold on, Rook!" Epel shouted as Rook flew away on his broom. "ROOOK!" And then he was gone. Epel sighed and turned back to Floyd and me. "He left... The Island of Woe's probably crawling with those soldiers who took Vil and the others. Not even Rook can handle those guys by himself. He's flying straight into danger. What do we do? Should we tell a teacher? Or maybe we could follow him and stop him... 

"Wait, no. Professor Crewel told us to stay put. But... Rrrgh... RRRAAAAGH!" Epel suddenly grew passionate. "Forget it! We can't spend all day hemmin' an' hawin'! I ain't gonna sit back on the sidelines! I'm goin' after Rook! I can't stand the idea of sittin' pretty while someone else does all the work!" He looked at me with determination. "What do you say, Ona?"

I thought back to the way I was useless when Jamil, Vil, and Grim were kidnapped. "Well..." But Jade said he believed in me. Maybe I could do something?

"I knew what you're thinking. There's a chance we'd just be dead weight. But you can't stand it either, right? I mean, they got your partner and our friends. Night Raven College students don't take this sorta thing lyin' down!"

"Now you're talking!" Floyd said with a grin.

Epel looked at me earnestly. "Come on, Ona! Let's do this!"

I hesitate for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, you're right. I can't do nothing. I have to try to save Grim and the guys!"

"Then let's go!" Floyd said.

I turned to him, frowning slightly. "Floyd, you can't come."

Floyd appeared annoyed. "What are you talking about, Little Shrimpy? I can't let you go alone."

"I won't be alone. Epel and Rook will be there."

Floyd shook his head. "Not good enough. I promised Jade I would protect you."

"He would be useful," Epel said hesitantly. "If he takes it seriously..."

Floyd narrowed his eyes at him. "You think I wouldn't take protecting Ona seriously?" There was an edge to his voice that made Epel flinch.

"Y-Yes. Of course you will!"

"This is dangerous, Floyd," I tried again. "We don't know what's going to happen. We could get seriously injured... or worse."

Floyd looked at me with raised eyebrows. "That's why you need me, right?"

I sighed. There was no convincing him when he made his mind up. Besides, I did like the idea of having him with me. "Fine, but what about Jade? We can't leave him all alone. Maybe we should ask him to come with us..."

Floyd shook his head. "You know he has to stay to look after Octavinelle."

"But we should at least tell him and give him the choice. He would be devastated if something happened to you."

Floyd smiled. "He already knows, Shrimpy."

I gave him a funny look. "What are you talking about? We just decided this."

Floyd smirked. "He knew you would pull something like this. He might have even known Rook would be involved. He approved and is letting us go."

I gaped at him. "When did he say that?!"

"Right before he left. You're not feeling your best, so I don't blame you for missing it. He told you to do what you had to do, and he told me to protect you. He wanted me to go with you."

I frowned as I mulled that over. "But why would he let you go if he knew how dangerous it was?"

"To protect you, of course. He knew he couldn't stop you, so he wanted me to go with you."

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