Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

I dreamed about a parade through the desert. There was a sultan and a grand vizier? I found it very odd. I did not have much time to reflect on it, for someone barged into my room, making a racket.

"How long are you two going to sleep?" said a Scarabian student. "On your feet, now!"

"Mrow?!" Grim exclaimed. "What now?! Wait, it's only 6 a.m."

"We're marching ten kilometers to the eastern oasis!"

"Are you guys nuts?" I said. This was worse than living in Savanaclaw!

"You expect us to trudge that far through sand that's hard to walk on as it is?" said Grim. "Why should we?"

"Because the housewarden said so," said the student. "Now stop whining and come on!"

"Myaaah! I don't wanna! Get your paws off'a me!"

Sighing, I got out of bed before anyone could force me. I quickly got ready and then headed outside with Grim. The Scarabian students were already gathered. Kalim sat atop an elephant and appeared to be in a foul mood. "Now march to the eastern oasis!" he shouted. "This will help strengthen your legs. If I see anyone break formation, they'll be punished later!"

"How'd I get dragged into this?" Grim grumbled.

"Less talking, more marching! Move out!"

"Uh, Kalim," I said. "No one here seems adequately prepared. Jade says one should always bring adequate water on a hike."

Kalim glared at me. "Jade's not here!"

"Well, just wait until he finds out about this! Or Floyd, for that matter."

Grim tugged on my pant leg, so I bent down to listen to him. "That's not a bad idea. Did you get Jade or Floyd's number? They could totally bust us out of there."

I frowned. "No, it didn't cross my mine. You're right; they would save us."

"Hmm... Maybe you can find them on that Magicam thing Cater is obsessed with? Check your phone!"

"Oh, good idea!"

"Did I hear mentions of a cell phone?" Kalim said. "Jamil, confiscate it."

Jamil approached me and held out his hand. "I'm sorry about this."

"There goes out chance," Grim muttered as I gave Jamil the smart phone. We were left with no choice but to march to the oasis through the desert. To say it was a terrible experience was n understatement. I was not use to walking in the sand, and the heat made me want to fall over. Jade would definitely not approve.

And then, as I took in the formation, I had the strangest thought. I had seen all this in my dream last night. There had been a parade of elephants and camels with a prince riding one. Kalim certainly looked princely enough to fit the bill.

"Hey, Ona, what're you starin' off into space for?" said Grim. "Did the heat get to you?"

I shook my head, breaking out of my thoughts. "Sorry."

"Everyone, halt!" Kalim commanded.

"Phew. We made it at last!" Grim said.

"We will take a fifteen-minute break," said Jamil. "Then we march back to the dorm."

"Finally, some water..." Grim trudged over to the oasis. "Wait. What kinda bizarro oasis is this?! It's empty!"

"Water?" said Kalim. "You say you want water?"

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