Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Hold it right there, Grim!" Ace said as we all walked down the hallway. "You're not gettin' off easy today, you hear me?!"

"Myeh heh heh! Maybe you shoulda put your name on it if you wanted it that bad!" said Grim, running away from the boy.

"Why, you...!"

"What is it this time?" I said with a sigh.

"Seriously, don't they ever get tired of this?" said Deuce, who appeared just as fed up as me.

"Hey, Ona!" said Ace. "You're the prefect, so do some prefecting! This lousy furball swiped the doughnut I bought and ate it! AGAIN."

"Bad Grim," I said in monotone.

"I didn't steal nothin',' said Grim. "I just saw a snack left abandoned on a desk and gave it a home outta the goodness of my heart."

"Ace, maybe you should put your name on all your food from now on."

"It's not abandoned if it's on somebody's desk!" said Ace. "If you're gonna keep runnin', I've got some wind magic up my sleeve with your name on it."

"Oh YEAH?" said Grim. "Try me! I've got fire magic ready to—"

Suddenly, they both stopped, looked at each other, and said, "...Erk!"

"Y'know what?" said Ace. "I think I'll skip the magic today. I don't wanna get sent to wash even MORE windows."

"H-heh. For once, I think you've got the right idea," said Grim. "I'd be embarassin' myself if I was the only one usin' magic, so I'll let you off easy this time."

"Both of you, knock it... off?" I said, looking at them quizzically.

"Wow," said Deuce. "It's not every day I see you two de-escalate one of your fights without outside intervention. Normally, you go at it until the classroom's blasted to bits and the headmage comes storming in."

"Hey, what kinda punk would I be if I started fighting with a weasel over one lousy doughnut?" said Ace.

"That's what I said last week," I said.

"Why do you always have to get in one last smart remark?" said Grim, glaring at Ace. I sighed and shook my head. If it was not one thing, it was another. Fortunately, their conversation was cut short as we entered our classroom and took our seats.

"It's time for class to start, whelps," said Crewel. "Get to yours seats. First, I'll pass back your tests."

"This is it—the moment of truth," Deuce said nervously.

"Myah hah!" said Grim. "Gimme! Gimme! I want that test, Prof!"

"Settle down, Grim," said Crewel. "Stay. STAY! I'll call you by your class number. Number one!" One by one, each student went up to retrieve their tests.

"SWEET!" said Ace when he returned with his test. "I got a 92!"

"I got an 88!" said Deuce. "I never thought I'd see the day I scored over 80."

"Check it out, Ona!" said Grim. "I got an 85!"

"You guys rock!"

"Now I won't get held back a year!" said Deuce. "What'd you get, Ona?"

"95," I replied.

"Not bad for someone who didn't grow up in this world," said Ace.

I smiled. "Thanks."

"You appear to have studied a great deal for this exam," said Crewel. "Yes... A great deal indeed, compared to your quiz scores. In fact, the class average has gone up to a degree one might call...unusual."

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