Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

And so holiday vacation came to an end...

"Heya, Ona," Ace said as soon as Grim and I met him and Deuce on Main Street. "Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year!" I said with a smile.

"I see you guys all the time, but it feels like it's been years, for some reason," said Deuce.

"Nyeh heh! Clearly you missed me over break," Grim said with a smirk.

"Oi. Don't stand around blocking traffic," said Jack.

"Whoa, Jack!" said Ace. "Did you get a tan?"

"Did I? I spent most of my holidays skiing, so it might be from that."

"Looking good," I said.

"Huh, it snows a lot where you're from?" said Ace.

"What's skiing?" said Grim. "I wanna try it!"

"Grim, stop trotting around underfoot!" said Deuce. He moved around to try to avoid him, but he ended up slamming into someone and sending him sprawling to the ground.

"Ah..." said the student I recognized as Epel.

"Whoops, sorry about that! You okay?" The boy sniffled as he stood up, causing Deuce to slightly panic. "Wh-whoa! Y-you're...crying?!"

"Profeeessooor!" Ace said loudly. "Deuce is bullying a kid from another class and making him cry!"

Deuce shot him a look. "That's not funny, Ace!" He turned to Epel with a concerned look. "Did I hurt you that badly? I am SO sorry. Here, lean on my shoulder. I'll get you to the nurse's office."

"Rgh... Dagnabbit..." muttered Epel.

"Huh? Dag-what...?"

"Ngh!" Epel dashed away.

"Aaand he's gone," said Ace.

"He's in my class," said Jack. "If I remember right, he's from Pomefiore Dorm. His name's Epel Felmier."

"Epel from Pomefiore..." Deuce said thoughtfully.


I had a weird dream where I heard someone singing. I saw... the Dark Mirror? A beautiful woman spoke to the face in the mirror. Then I saw another woman looking into a well. She met a prince who professed his love for her while the other woman glowered from a window. When I woke up, I stared at the mirror in my room. For some reason, I felt a connection to my dreams and that mirror.

"Brrr, it's freezin' in here!" said Grim. "Y'think they'd let me take my blanket with me to school?" He paused. "Hm? What's up, Ona? You're starin' hard at that mirror. If you're worried about bedhead, don't be. You look fine. Now let's get to class."

"Oh, right." I shook my head and continued to get ready. Soon enough, we were meeting Deuce and Ace on Main Street.

"Morning, Ona and Grim," said Ace. "How's it goin'?"

"Good morning, you two," said Deuce. "It's pretty chilly today, huh?"

My eyes trailed to the statues along the path. "Ah—!" I exclaimed stopping. "That's who I saw in my dream!" Grim ran right into me.

"Ow!" he said. "Ona, don't just stop in the middle of the walkway! I just smacked face-first into your leg!"

"You're staring at the Great Seven statues," said Ace. "What's up?"

As I looked around at the statues, slowly, everything started to fall into place. "I think I've dreamed of some of these other people, too..."

"Hello?" said Deuce. "Ona? You're spacing out on us. Are you feeling sick or something?"

Waves of Destiny (Twisted Wonderland)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora