Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

"Wow, it's been awhile since we've been here," I said, looking around at the cliff where I first met Floyd. It was the day after Azul's birthday party, and Floyd insisted on hanging out with me first thing after classes to have some fun without homework involved.

"It has," Floyd agreed. "This place is great, isn't it?" He stood beside me, looking out at the ocean.

"Yeah, it's pretty calming. I'm glad all the craziness with the SDC is over. Now I just need to get Grim back to normal, and everything will go back to the way it should be."

Floyd gave me a sympathetic smile. "Grim will be fine."

I smiled slightly in return. "I'm sure he will be." I just wished Crowley would let me see him already. What was going on?

"Oh! I found something to make you feel better. Hold out your hand."

"Huh?" I held out my hand, and Floyd dropped something into it. I smiled. It was another shell. This one was tiny. A giant Atlantic pyram, I believed it was call. "Ooo... I love it. Spiral shells are my favorite."

Floyd grinned. "Good!"

I smiled at the shell for a moment longer before putting it in my pocket. "Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"You just did, but go ahead, Little Shrimpy!"

"Why do you keep giving me shells?"

Floyd tilted his head to the side. "You like them, don't you?"

"Yes, of course! They're beautiful. I'm just wondering if you attach any meaning to them." I would put it down to his randomness, but then why was it always a shell?

Floyd smiled. "Merfolk give little gifts like that as a sign of friendship. You like shells and can't get them yourself, so I give them to you!"

My eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, really?" I smiled warmly at him. That was very thoughtful of him. "I appreciate it, Floyd. Thank you. You gave me a shell when we first met. Does that mean you wanted to be my friend from start?"

Floyd nodded. "Yep! I knew you were different. You weren't afraid of me. I knew I had to keep you close. And I knew Jade and Azul would see it too someday, and they did!"

I continued to smile at him. He really was so different from what most people thought, and I couldn't be more grateful to have him as a friend. "Yes, they did. But they don't give me shells - or any gifts, really."

Floyd shrugged. "That's not their thing. Everyone has their own way of showing they care."

"Yeah, I guess that's true." Then something else occurred to me. "Hey, does that mean you would like it if I gave you small gifts?"

Floyd's face brightened. "You don't have to, but I would like that, Little Shrimpy."

"Okay, what would you like?"

Floyd grinned. "Anything from you would be good!"

I chuckled lightly. I should have expected that response. I could work with it. "Alright, Floyd. I'll find something."

Floyd smiled happily. "Great! Oh, and if you really want Jade to give you gifts, mention it to him and he'll probably starting giving you some of those boring rocks he collects."

"They're not boring!"

Floyd laughed. "Whatever you say. You ready to have to have some fun?"

I gave him my best attempt at a grin. "I'm ready!" I could really use some more fun to distract myself from my useless thoughts about Grim, and Floyd was a great person for the job.

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