Milly x Jake (Fluff - Milly Pinning)

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Milly's POV:
It felt like the days were repeating for Milly. She had done the same thing everyday. Wake up, get ready for school, go to class, band rehearsals, more class and go to sleep to repeat everything over again. Throughout the day she might of got picked on, or got into fights, but that was pretty normal for her at this point.

The club had felt different since Jake arrived. Milly stopped getting picked on, and had less fights, but somehow she still felt lively. Like, things were changing for the better.

Milly's old motivation to go to school was Elliot, and the Music Club. Over time that has changed. Elliot eventually got a lover, and Milly surprisingly wasn't affected that much. And the Music Club was nice and all, but it felt like they did the same thing everyday.

When Jake showed up things had changed. He always arrived late and it was different from the other days. He encouraged others and helped them try new things. Heck, he even got Luke to share a song he wrote!

Milly was happier than ever making her way to the Music Club every day, and when they got to hangout outside the club Milly was more than excited! She wished she could spend more time with Jake though..

As the days went on everyone began to grow an even stronger bond than before. Everything was different and yet the same. It was exciting in a weird way.

"Hey guys!" Jake said, arriving late again. He awkwardly walked into the room as Hailey gave him a look of disapproval. (Zander would normally be doing the same, but he was too busy flirting with Luke.) Milly smiled as he walked in, and Sean was too busy listening to different sound tracks to notice.

"You're late. Again," Hailey said, crossing her arms. "I knowww, I was just.. ummm, I got held back by a teacher!" Jake says, rubbing the back of his neck. "Geez, even I could lie better than that," Milly said, walking over with a smug look.

"Geez, thanks for the support," Jake said jokingly. "No problem man, I always got your back," Milly joked back as she punched Jake's arm playfully. Jake just smiled back as rubbed his arm. Hailey just watched awkwardly. "Just try not to show up late next time," Hailey said.

"Of course, princess," Jake replied winking. Hailey blushed while looking annoying. Milly felt a sudden pain in her stomach, but she chose to ignore it. "Sooo, are we going to start practicing, or what," Milly said, heading towards her guitar.

Practice went on as usual with a few mishaps here and there. Milly was having more fun than usual. Normally, when there was an upcoming competition Hailey would work everyone to death, but Jake was able to make Hailey relax a bit.

Jake's really cool, and I appreciate all that he has done for the club! Milly thought as she said goodbye to everyone. She blushed a bit at the thought, but wasn't sure why. Everyone began to head out because lunch was almost over. "Ughhhh, I don't want to go to class."

"Hey, wait up," Jake said, jogging to catch up to Milly.

"Hey Jake, um.. need something?" Milly looked a bit confused why Jake was talking to her. Practice was over, and they had class soon. "I was just wondering.." Jake starts to say, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck, "would you like to hang out sometime?"

"Wdym?" Milly blinked dumbfounded. For some reason she didn't expect this.

"You have such a funny way of speaking."

Milly instantly punched Jake in the stomach. "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN??" Random students gave strange looks and whispered around them.

"I.. I didn't mean to say that aloud," Jake said, leading over to hold his stomach. "I meant it in an endearing way."

"It's a part of my charm," Milly said as she put her hands on her hips. "You're lucky I didn't punch you with all my strength... but sorry for punching you."

"It's alright.. sooo, are we good to hang out later?" Jake smiled, and God Milly loved that smile; she would never admit though.

"Yeah, I'm down! Text me about it later, ttyl!!"

Jake smiled more, "Ttyl." Milly smiled back and started to walk towards her next class.

'Ughhhh English..'


School was almost over when Milly's phone buzzed. It was Jake.

Private messages between Jake and Milly:

(Jake) my other half <3: hey milly!!

(Milly) little devil 💕: hey jakey boy :P
whats up?

my other half <3: is 4 alright?
so we have time to get ready,, :)
we can go to a cafe
and then hang at my place :D

little devil 💕: sounds g8!!
im so excited 😆🤞
we havent hang out much outside of the club :)

my other half <3: yeah, i looking forward to seeing you! :D

little devil 💕: we should try dressing up a bit!

my other half <3: haha, why? 🕺

little devil 💕: idk
just 4 fun?

my other half <3: sure then lol
cya later <3

little devil 💕: cya!

Milly put her phone back in her pocket before anyone noticed. She was blushing. Why was she blushing? Why did she want them to dress up? Was it because she wanted to see Jake dressed up?

It doesn't matter. Milly shook her head trying to focus on her work.

Later, after their "date":

my little devil 💕: i miss you 😣💕

my other whole <3: it's only been 2 mins darling

my little devil 💕: 😐

my other whole <3: ..I miss you too <3

my little devil 💕: :)<3


Words: 930 ish
Author's Note:
This is for @rockerchan ! Yes, I'm aware this is over a year after the request. Truthfully, this has been done for a while & I forgot to post it. I've been struggling mentally and neglecting it, so naturally writing a fanfic for some random person on the internet wasn't my topic priority./lh Especially since I don't like Jake x Milly romantically 😭😭... It actually pains me reading over this a year later. There's probably some grammar mistakes there or something.

My headcanons & writing have changed a lot since then. I'm going to likely post more on my Ao3: "LJM_QWQ," & YT (texting videos w/ audio): "Literally Just Me 😼" when I start writing again. I have a couple of ideas that I started working on, but I have no idea when I finish them. It's all just for fun honestly. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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