Lia x Zoey (Hurt/Comfort) + Jake Angst

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They start out as friends and this takes place exactly after episode 9 for context.

Jake didn't know what to do. He was heartbroken. It felt as if a part of him had just been taken away. Who could have possibly sent the Music Club that audio. He hadn't even meant it... he was just caught in the moment.

It's unfair. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.. I'm so so sorry.. Jake thought to himself as tears streamed down his face; he was trying his best to calm down. All that could be heard in the Music Room were soft sobs and mumbled, "It's ok," and, "You'll figure this out," and "It'll be alright." It was hard for him to believe everything would be alright, but he didn't know what else to think.

After several minutes of crying Jake finally got up. Gosh, I'm such a loser. Jake thought to himself as he wiped his tears from his face. Who could have possibly sent them that audio? Jake hated it, but he had to think back to the conversation.

Then he was finally able to come up with a conclusion. It was Zoey. I mean, she has definitely done stuff like this before. It could also be revenge for blackmailing her. ALSO, she doesn't like the music club, so there's that.

There was a little bias in Jake's conclusion, but he didn't want to believe one of his friends would set him up like that. So he went to confront Zoey.

"Was it you?" Jake said, approaching Zoey while looking down at the ground. "Huh?" Zoey questioned, closing her locker. "You sent the Music Club what I said..?" Jake asked, looking up with no emotions in his eyes. He couldn't ruin this with his stupid emotions again.

"Oh that, haha, it was just a prank," Zoey said, laughing at the thought of the Music Club being miserable. "You think that's funny?" Jake said with a hint of anger in his voice. Zoey backed up, a little nervous, "Calm down Jake. Geez, get a sense of humor." "WHY DON'T YOU GET A SENSE OF HUMOR??" Jake yelled unconsciously. Zoey looked shocked, she clearly wasn't expecting that.

So much for not letting my stupid emotions get in the way..

Jake broke down and began crying again. "D-do you have any idea what you put us through?" "If you didn't want them to hear that you should have never said it behind their back. You're the one to blame," Zoey says, pointing at Jake to emphasize her point.

Jake stood there in silence to take a second to think, but before he could stop himself he said, "You're such a bitch." Jake punched the locker next to Zoey out of anger. It wasn't enough to damage the locker, and he has no interest in hurting her. She was still Drew's girlfriend after all.

Jake punching the locker triggered her fight or flight response, and there was no way she was fighting. So she tried to run away.

Jake grabbed Zoey's arm as she tried to run off. Zoey began to shake. Jake grabbing her arm brought back not so good memories. She had a head of emotions piled up, and this seemed to be her breaking point. Zoey turned to Jake with widening her eyes. People began to stare.

Jake let go of her arm instantly, "I'm sorry, I just- I was trying to stop you from leaving.. We should talk this out. Are you alright?" Jake asked, concerned. Zoey just continued to stare at Jake, and as soon as she realized the situation she ran off. "Zoey! Wait!" Jake yelled. He was going to chase after her again (this time to make sure she was alright) but someone had stopped him.

"LIA! What are you doing?!?" Jake said, getting ready to walk past her. "I'll go after her.. I'm sorry that this happened. I didn't know she had done that. I would have stopped her. Just.. let me talk to her." Lia said, a little surprised at the words that came out her mouth.

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