Chapter 10: Ouroboros

Start from the beginning

Hearing their captain’s analysis, everyone felt like they were enlightened.

Li Chun looked up at the crystal lamp in the hall and then walked over to turn it off.
Everyone acquiesced to this act of his.

But then, another question came.

Ji Yushi asked, “If these zombies chasing after light can barely be called a chaser of light then what does it mean by the mission objective ‘chaser of darkness’?”

This question was temporarily unsolvable. No one could answer.

Zhou Mingxuan thought for a while, “Then would it be safer to go out at night since these things will go back to their lair at night?”

“Not necessarily.” Song Qinglan said, “Not all zombies will gather underground, there will always be some who stay outside. Compared to sensitivity to light, those zombies are more sensitive to sound and smell. Did you forget about the struggle we had in the emergency staircase just now?”

Li Chun, “Oh yeah. They may be blind but they’re fast!!”

Song Qinglan said, “The most important thing is, no matter how you look at it, we can’t stay here for long.”

In the hall, Duan Wen was still unconscious.
They had to find a pharmacy to get Duan Wen medicine or, let alone the leg, his life might not be saved.

Song Qinglan was a very practical person. After using a short amount of time to sort out his thoughts, he enlarged the projection of the building they were currently in, “Besides, we are currently in an advantageous position.”

“Yang Le and Zhou Mingxuan looked around earlier. Apart for the out of order elevator, Runjin Building has a total of four emergency staircases.”
“The one on the left corridor is blocked and the one we came up through just now naturally cannot be used. This means there are only two to choose from; northeast or southeast . We may perhaps get lucky.”
“Go down the emergency staircase and it would directly lead you to the underground passage—- Right now, almost all the zombies are outside in the streets so being underground should be relatively safer. The underground passage should be connected to the main road and that should be a groundfloor exit.”
Song Qinglan drew a green line on the holographic map and quickly analysed it.
“According to the real-time situation recorded by the drone, after exiting through that place, we can take the route with the least number of zombies and find a pharmacy or hospital as soon as possible. This was the most ideal way to break through. The only question is: Which staircase to choose?”

Li Chun: “One in two, 50% success rate.”
Zhou Mingxuan elbowed him, “Why didn’t you say that if you chose the wrong one in two chance, you will die?”
Li Chun looked at Tang Le and then winked at Zhou Mingxuan, “Old Zhou, you shouldn’t say that. We should always think positive!”

As he said that, the drone project suddenly flashed and the screen went black.
A notice appeared on the projection: [Warning. Drone offline.]

“Fuck!!! The black wall is moving closer!” Zhou Mingxuan walked to the window and checked himself. He could only let out small curse, “We have to hurry and go!!”

Everyone was startled.
Sure enough, the black wall had indeed silently started to spread at some unknown point it time. Right now, it was almost about to reach the street with the convenience store. Not only did the drone get ‘eaten’, the wall seemed to be about to reach them!

Originally, the images sent over by the drone needed to be synchronised to generate the map so there was a few minutes delay in time difference. They didn’t expect their plan to suddenly go up in smoke so quickly!
Song Qinglan couldn’t help but slam his hand onto the desk.

Ji Yushi checked the memory storage: “It’s okay, I remembered the road map. I can draw out the map to the closet pharmacy and hospital.”
“The scene was only shown very briefly and there are countless streets out there but you’re saying that you can draw it out?” Song Qinglan suppressed his rage and raised his brow slightly, “Aren’t you being too confident?”

Ji Yushi looked at the black wall and then at the time on the communicator: “And if I can draw it out?”
Song Qinglan: “……”
Knowing that he was in a hurry, Ji Yushi continued, “Won’t need to draw too much, just drawing out the most suitable route should be enough. Give me five minutes.”

Everyone: “???”
Is Advisor Ji crazy?!


It didn’t even take Ji Yushi five minutes to finish drawing the map.
At first everyone thought he was just spouting nonsense. After all, how could someone remember all those unfamiliar roads and their road conditions with just one glance? But as the map became more and more complete, and the details of the roads in the north, south, east and west directions were drawn out, everyone no longer dared to underestimate Ji Yushi anymore.

When the map was finally complete, Song Qinglan scanned it hastily and then sent it to everyone else’s communicator. He spoke very quickly, “Split up and meet at the agreed place if you get separated. Go to the pharmacy and, where circumstances permit, try to find bandages, anti-inflammatory medications, splints and the likes. If you see the black wall, run. Those zombies are nothing compared to the black wall.”

Everyone: “Understood!”

It was dark outside the window. The black wall covered the sky, looking like it was about to envelop the city.
Zombies were gathered in the building and there were even more outside on the streets. Over the two years since its establishment, the Seventh Squad had never found themselves in such a predicament where they were pushed into a dead end.

Li Chun: “Tang Le and I will go southeast!”
Zhou Mingxuan said with a gun on his back, “Then Captain, Advisor Ji and I will take Old Duan northeast!”

“Fuck this PU-31, fuck the black wall and the zombies. If I die, remember to burn an address for me!” Li Chun wiped his eyes. The expression on this big boy’s face was resolute, “And burn a couple of girls too!” (KKnotes: Not literally LOL. Li Chun here is probably referring to burning paper offerings. Sometimes people burn paper cars or houses etc believing that it can be sent to the afterlife for the deceased to use.)
“Get lost you. You’re not afraid of embarrassing yourself in front of Advisor Ji?”
Li Chun spat, “Pei. Maybe Advisor Ji would even ask you to burn a macho man for him.”

Everyone pushed and shoved him.
Even at this moment, Ji Yushi didn’t feel that they were being silly.
He raised his eyes and looked at Song Qinglan. How did the other party manage to get these people into his squad?

“Alright, this brother will burn eight for you.”
Duan Wen’s voice suddenly travelled through the public channel.
Hearing that he was awake, everyone quickly returned to the hall but were all left shocked.

Except for the dark red blood stain on the sofa, Duan Wen was nowhere in sight!

Song Qinglan realised something, “Duan Wen!!”

The captain’s anger no longer scared Duan Wen. He continued to speak through the public channel, “I have a fever. Only death awaits me even if I go out so it’s better to make a contribution instead. What the hell is this damned mission, tsk.”
A noise could be heard from Duan Wen’s end.
As for what that sound was, everyone knew immediately.

“Brother Wen! Where are you?!”
“Old Duan, where the hell did you go”

Duan Wen said, “Stop chattering ladies. This one here is helping you save time.”
“No need to split up.”
“Captain, this road is blocked. Take the northeast emergency staircase. Hurry, the black wall is coming.”

Chaotic footsteps could be heard through the communicator.

“Bang!” A gunshot sounded.

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