While she tries to get her way all the time, her one obstacle if anything is her mother. While lenient in a lot of manners, she also is strict. Her rules are miniscule but accumulate. No shoes passed the front door mat. Her bedtime is standard and it's either 'yes ma'am', or a lecture that follows if she tends to forget.

She knows it's out of love and respect, but naturally she finds it annoying at points.

"There were kids like me playing instruments.", she said before eating another heaping bowl of rice and chicken.

Lucien chuckled, "And I'm guessing one of the instruments was a lyre."

"Yes.", Eudora moved some of the hair out of her face, "I gave them a few coins because they were really good and Silas told me I should visit again. They are playing again tonight."

Sage nodded, eating a fork of roasted vegetables, "We really don't celebrate Winter Solstice baby, but... ", her and Lucien exchanged a look, "I don't mind going back to the Winter court to see your friend Silas play, i'm sure they are as good as sounds."

"That's the thing..", Eudora turned to her father and then shot a dazzled look to her mother, "They are actually playing in the Night Court, Barachiel told me."

She didn't notice the tense nature that took over Sage's movements, freezing entirely over her plate. Eudora instead continued just as excited as when Barachiel first told her.

"Apparently it's supposed to be a secret but it's in the city of Vlari-.Valry-.', she tried the pronunciation a couple of times, giving up on the third but looked over to finally see the frown soccum her mothers face.

"Mother?"Eudora saw her jaw tighten as she set her utensils down. Sage heaved a deep breath.

Eudora has yet to be exposed to all of the courts in the land she calls home. The land that her mother holds in the palm of her hands. She can control the weather, bend the grass, and grow trees in the blink of an eye. She's seen her mother do extravagant things and she knows there is more to know.

The only courts she's visited outside of the Winter and Summer, is Autumn. Lucien promised her one day to go to the Spring court to meet the High Lord of Spring's child but that is as far as she's come.

Eudora never stepped foot in a solar court and thought she figured in no time it'd come. She's heard plenty of Day and Dawn coming from her parents' mouths. About the High Lords and meetings. Nothing hostile about the conversations and she's read about the lands. How the terrain is different and they actually have a cycle. A period of time when the moon shines above the land and then fades into day.

It's foreign to her, just as much as the Night Court is something she hardly knows much of. Not about their High Lord or even the first High Lady to ever be appointed. Eudora only gathered that much information from Varian who was speaking with her grandfather at the army camps.

She's love to meet a High Lady, though she understands her mother's powers exceed them all, the fact that there's only one High Lady says something in itself.

Eudora glances over to her father to see if it was her pronunciation that wavered her mother's attitude. Just to see that he was in a somewhat similar trance. But instead of being tense because of what she said, he seemed to feed off the energy Sage had.

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