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  Eudora trained to strengthen her body. To become someone that can defend against any enemy. It's a perk when her grandfather is the Commander of the Summer Court army. While her mother and father were busy, he was the one to watch over her. And as long as she can remember, Eudora was fascinated with the works of the camps.

How those looked to her with such kindness, but can turn someone on their back in an instant. Before she could walk, Eudora would be in the hands of her grandfather watching the soldiers throw punches. Not every parent is willing to expose their child to such a rough environment, but Eudora knew that behind every single man that threw a punch, is one that gives that best hugs.

So, once she started walking, she started peeking over the platforms where the fights were taking place. Waving at the soldiers with a little giggle and started to observe more than just watch.

And her passion grew further when Eudora started to see females training. Fae like her strengthening themselves.

It was when she turned nine when she became the one on the elevated platform practicing with her mother and father.

"Separate your feet.", her father, Lucien called from the sidelines. Eudora followed his instructions as she copied the position her mother was in.

Being the daughter of The Cauldrons Keeper comes with an unspoken responsibility. A part of the reason she wishes to go her strength is because she's seen her mother. How she holds the weight of life and death on her shoulders and still has enough time to fix her dinner. Tuck her into bed and kiss her goodnight.

Even at a young age, Eudora has always taken moments to randomly thank her parents. Of course they continuously remind her that there is no need but she doesn't plan to stop.

"Like this?"Eudora looked between them both for reassurance. Some of her ginger hair whipping in her face, Her father nodded and her mother returned her a soft smile as she held up her palms covered in padded gloves.

"Exactly.", her mother hummed, that gentle voice just as soothing as it's always been, "Now when you punch, twist your wrist, remember how you give fist bumps to the other soldiers here?"

Eudora nodded her head with a bright smile.

"Good, now do that but with more force."

Eudora did as told. Her punch did little to make her mother flinch, but they praised her nonetheless. And she was reluctant to leave the platform. As the sun sat high in the sky, unmoving, Eudora hardly became bored of her repetitive routine.

Her mother and father switch positions, an hour with her mother being her punching bag, the next Lucien took spot.

It was the third switch when Lucien took off the pads.

"No, Father", Eudora pouted, tugging on the gloves, "One more please."

Lucien smiled and threw Eudora over her shoulder, her whines turned into giggles as he tickled her, "You need a break princess. We will return soon."

Eudora passed over the barrier of the platform to her mother. "Mother please..", she tried as she tugged at the hem of her shirt. She stared up at her with hazel eyes. An exact replica of inheritance from her mother. "You promised that you and father would spar."

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