Robin's POV

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I despise being amidst teenagers. The air is thick with hormonal tension, and everyone seems solely intent on satisfying their primal urges, using alcohol as a flimsy excuse for their reckless behavior. Scanning the crowded bar, my gaze lands on a lone figure. She stands out from the rest, her golden locks cascading down her back in a mesmerizing display. Despite my disdain for the scene unfolding before me, I can't deny the allure of her presence. "That back is something else," I mutter to myself, feeling an unexpected pang of desire.

She's engrossed in her phone, tapping away with a captivating innocence. It's almost endearing, the way she seems disconnected from the chaos around her. But then she turns, and I'm struck by a wave of recognition. Isabella. Damn it. I can't help but notice the raspiness in her voice, a telltale sign of trouble. I half-listen to her words, my attention consumed by the coy smile playing on her lips. Despite my better judgment, I find myself drawn to her, craving a taste of those lips.

But I know better than to indulge in such fantasies. Isabella spells trouble, and I'm not one for complications. Yet, as she disappears into the crowd, I can't shake the lingering sense of regret. Maybe it's the alcohol or the loneliness creeping in, but I find myself longing for her presence.

My thoughts are interrupted by a commotion across the room. There she is, locked in a heated embrace with some sleazy stranger. Anger courses through me, but beneath it lies a twinge of jealousy. What does he have that I don't? I watch as she dances with reckless abandon, her movements intoxicating.

Seconds seem like hours as I watch her have fun with this jerk, I want her, fuck it I need her. Then I notice something off about her demeanor. She seems disoriented, her movements unsteady. Without a second thought, I push through the crowd, my instincts kicking into overdrive. I shove the guy away and pull her close, steadying her trembling form. I hold her with my left arm so she doesn't fall, her beautiful head leaning on my shoulder, the smell of her vanilla shampoo making its way through my nostrils.

"Get off of her, you son of a bitch!" I growl, my voice dripping with venom.

The guy stumbles back, a look of confusion clouding his face. "Are you with her?" he stammers.

"Not the point," I retort, my grip on Isabella tightening. "Can't you see she's not in any condition to be here?"

That's when I notice the red dot on her arm, a chilling realization sinking in. "You drugged her, you scumbag!" I accuse, my blood boiling with rage.

The guy shrugs, a smug grin spreading across his face. "Jealous much?" he taunts.

Nobody taunts me. Before I can stop myself, my fist connects with his jaw, the satisfying sound of impact echoing through the chaos. "Stay the hell away from her," I warn, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Why did you hit me man? Just let me have a little fun and give me back the chick, I'll take her home."

"I think the fuck not, I say, spitting in his face."

With Isabella cradled in my arms, I push through the crowd, my mind racing with a jumble of emotions as i walk past Cally.

"Woah is she alright?"

"She would've been if you wouldn't have let her alone."

"Since when do you defend people Robin?"

"Shut up."

"Do you like, like her?"

"No, I just think it's weird that her "friend" just vanished and left her alone."

I can't believe Cally, I would never have let Isabella alone in a bar, she's literally the hottest person there, of course some guy would try to force himself on her. As we stumble out into the cool night air, I can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. She's safe now, and that's all that matters. I guide her back to her dorm, my movements slow and deliberate. Gently tucking her into bed, I can't help but linger for a moment, studying her peaceful expression. She may be trouble, but there's something undeniably captivating about her.

The sound of the door opening snaps me back to reality. Cally stands in the doorway, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity.

"Is she okay?" she asks, her voice filled with genuine concern.

"She will be," I reply, my tone more reassuring than I feel. "I'll make sure of it."

"O-M-G Robin you really like her."

"I do not, I was just in here to steal something to toy a little with her, do you really think I could possibly save her with nothing in return, you've got to stop watching romance movies Cally, you're getting quite gullible."

I anxiously look around the room to find something I could possibly steal to make my story plausible, when I finally meet eyes with a golden pendant.

"Robin you can't steal that, it means a lot to her."

"That's the point, I want to piss her off."

"You're a jerk."

"I know."

I then see myself out, I feel surprisingly bad that I stole her necklace, but I did not want anyone to find out that I was being nice, especially to some girl. Robin you have got to stop simping over some chick, I'm a dick, and I've got to continue being so.

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